In my local area, we have a potential GM who is interested in - TopicsExpress


In my local area, we have a potential GM who is interested in running PFS for his home group, and he asked for some help in getting started. Hope the following is helpful: Okay- there are a few things youll find invaluable when determining what events to run, as well as scoring them for your players. The first thing I would do is find out what scenario youd be interested in running. (Note that, as you advance in each season, there were more books available. Season 0 was written using D&D 3.5, Season 1 was written with the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, etc.) First thing I would do is read the About Pathfinder Society Organized Play (paizo/pathfinderSociety/about) . Download the Guide (https://secure.paizo/products/btpy84k4) and familiarize yourself with it. The GM Resources page (paizo/pathfinderSociety/gmResources) has Player Resources, Pregenerated characters, the PFS Society Scenarios (1 XP and 2 PP max) and Sanctioned Modules (3 XP and 4 PP max). It also has Pathfinder Society: GM 101 and GM 201, which may be worth a read. The Pathfinder Society Scenarios page (paizo/pathfinderSociety/gmResources) has the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play (again- you may have downloaded it from the link above) as well as the Secondary Success Conditions document (paizo/products/btpy928k?Pathfinder-Society-Secondary-Success-Conditions-Document). Seasons 0-4 gave faction missions that players of that faction needed to complete to gain the 2nd prestige point; the Secondary Success Conditions document overwrites that with what the primary and secondary success conditions now are. On the PFS Scenarios Page (paizo/pathfinderSocietyScenarios), it breaks down each season, from 0 to 6 (current) as well as the replayable scenarios. Note that you can only ever get credit for a scenario ONCE as a player, and ONCE as a GM, unless the Tier of the scenario/module is Tier 1-2 (which are considered replayable). Id go through the various seasons, read the reviews, and run the higher-reviewed scenarios for the best time for you and the players. Note that as time goes on, you may jump a bit between the seasons. For example: Season 0 has Scenario #16: To Scale the Dragon, designed for 5th through 9th level characters. The tiers in PFS are as follows: 1-2, 1-5, 1-7 (season 0 only), 3-7, 5-9, 7-11. You may jump around a bit between the various Seasons as a result. As for the path Id recommend for the first three scenarios, in order: The Silverhex Chronicles (short 1-hr scenarios, using pre-generated characters) (4 of 5 stars) (FREE) paizo/products/btpy98nh?Pathfinder-Society-Quest-The-Silverhex-Chronicles Pathfinder Society Scenario Intro- First Steps: In Service To Lore (4 of 5 stars) (FREE) paizo/products/btpy8jor?Pathfinder-Society-Scenario-Intro-1-First-Steps-Part-I-In-Service-to-Lore Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-08: The Confirmation (4.5 of 5 stars) ($3.99) paizo/products/btpy92ci?Pathfinder-Society-Scenario-5-08-The-Confirmation GM and Player helpers are as follows: The Pathfinder Reference Document website: paizo/pathfinderRPG/prd/ The Pathfinder Rules FAQ: paizo/threads/rzs2qbfv?The-Rules-FAQ-and-How-to-Use-It The Pathfinder Core Rulebook FAQ: paizo/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm (note that each other FAQ is available from the right side; I jump here, and then to the book in question in case.) The Additional Resources page: paizo/pathfinderSociety/gmResources (What is legal in PFS, and what is not, from each book published. Note that players MUST have the resource- either a hardcover book or a watermarked PDF page- to use resources out of any book...) Now for some non-Paizo sites... The PFS GM Shared Prep site: pfsprep/e107_plugins/forum/forum.php The Pathfinder Open Game Content website: d20pfsrd/ The PFS New Character Reference Sheet: A PFS Gear Tracking Sheet: A PFS Career Log Sheet: The After-Scenario Reference Sheet: Think thats enough to get you started. My apologies for the diarrhoea of the fingertips- and feel free to ask if you have any other questions, were here to help.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:41:10 +0000

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