In my opinion; Church isnt for those people that are there EVERY - TopicsExpress


In my opinion; Church isnt for those people that are there EVERY Sunday,read the bible all day every day,and only talk about God....Church is for sinners,those who need something greater to lean on when their fiend is kicking in,when they want that little sip of that good ol Kentucky bourbon,when life just seems to overwhelm an individual and that individual has no idea what to do, so they try to find something to numb the pain of life. Straight up, ive moved mountains before and a lot of people dont know what i mean by that. Your daily struggles,that person who cut you off in traffic,the person who ignored you when you were simply trying to be kind to them,those are little boulders that eventually create mountains in your life. How do you move those mountains to get wherever youd like to be? Give it all up to God,and simply, pray. So next time you see someone strung out,dont automatically think wow,what a junkie!.... No, say to yourself How can i remove one of these giant boulders from this persons life,so one day they may be able to see that destination where they want to be.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 18:08:32 +0000

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