In my opinion, George Clooney could do a good job as Commissioner - TopicsExpress


In my opinion, George Clooney could do a good job as Commissioner Gordon in the DC Cinematic Universe. Before you dismiss this idea because he was awful as Batman, hear me out. George Clooney is a great and Oscar caliber actor and is capable of playing the authority figure who is Commissioner Gordon. However, as I said before, I think George Clooney was awful as Batman, but that doesn’t mean he would be awful as Commissioner Gordon. I don’t blame George Clooney for Batman and Robin. I blame the director Joel Schumacher. Joel Schumacher isn’t that good of a filmmaker, and he has only done a few good movies. While, George Clooney is a good actor and has done many good movies. So, with a good director, he would be good in the role. Also, in the comic books, Batman and Commissioner Gordon have a mutual respect for each other and a friendship, and they work together to fight crime in Gotham City. This relationship is similar to the relationship between Ben Affleck and George Clooney. They have a mutual respect for each other and a friendship, and they worked together to make Argo. For these reasons, I believe that George Clooney could do a good job as Commissioner Gordon in the DC Cinematic Universe.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 20:36:07 +0000

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