In my opinion there is no excuse for the Militia in America to - TopicsExpress


In my opinion there is no excuse for the Militia in America to stand down; men such as Louis Farrakhan and the troops at his disposal, along with the recruitment of illegal aliens into the military are strong arguments for raising and organizing the Militia throughout America today. The Militia (neighborhood defense teams) Historically Militias have been the collective exercise of the God-given Natural Right of self-defense; people in the community coming together to defend it against threats, both internal as well as external. The Militia was composed of the people themselves; pastors, bakers, mechanics, stock brokers, tinkers, carpenters… indeed all the members of the community coming together to protect one another from whatever threatened them and their property. From the formation of the initial settlements and for decades following the ratification of the Constitution for the United States of America it was well understood that attacking the Militia was attacking us; something that was incomprehensible. Since the Civil War, the Federal Government has taken the posture that the independent Militias of the states are a threat to its power. Government institutions have worked to undermine the institution of the Militia through its power to regulate the Militia as well as promoting curriculum in the public schools that at first merely minimized the role of Militias in our society but today demonizes them as if they’re foreign to the community and a threat to it. When the term Militia is used today it provokes fear in many of our people due to the ignorance our government has fostered for generations. It isn’t in the interest of arbitrary power for the people to retain the means of defending themselves against it… The Militia is a defensive force against arbitrary and tyrannical power. Today the Federal Government is no longer even pretending to respect the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The rights and liberties of our people are being trampled by multiple agencies that are not authorized by the Constitution nor designed to fulfill the only true purpose of legitimate government in America, to secure our rights. Isn’t it time that we reinvigorate the Militia as intended by our founders and defend what is precious to us? The Militia as referred to in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is the whole of the people at arms but more specifically, every able-bodied male between the ages of 17-45, not holding Federal office is a member of the unorganized militia whether they know it or not. The militia is us… the people… which explains the language in Article IV of the Bill of Rights: “A well-regulated Militia being necessary for the security of a free state: the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” The logic of the second amendment is that the people are the militia and our access to arms for the defense of our free state shall not be infringed! The greatest threat to liberty isn’t from foreign aggression but from our own government; our founders knew this and made sure we had a defense against it when it became necessary. Considering the level of corruption and the hostility of government for any limitation to their perceived power, it is easy to understand why our government schools, the media owned by globalist corporations and licensed by government, and academia who is dependent upon corporate and government grants for much of their funding and support are hostile to the Militia. Step One: Marshaling the People The first step to regaining control is to protect your community by exercising your right to bear arms and join with others in your community for your mutual defense, remember… you are the Militia. Organizing the structure of the Militia and setting up a command structure should be the first step, evaluating the skills and aptitude of one another to understand where their talents can be better utilized for enhancing the effectiveness of the whole. Veterans have received thousands of dollars of training by the military and should be utilized to train others in the skills of their former modes of service, taking care that their allegiance is not to the corporations the military serves today. While certainly not required, military leadership should be drawn from experienced combat veterans. All leadership must be drawn from those who are honorable and will adhere to the oath of office, understands the responsibilities and duties associated with the oath, and most importantly the object of that oath… securing our rights by adhering to the organic Constitution for the united States of America and Bill of Rights as well as the organic Constitution of the State you’re inhabiting. Step Two: Setting Up an Alert System Having a Militia is useless if the people cannot contact them in the event of an attack so the militia must have an alert system established, allowing members of the community to report activity to them for evaluation, so as to determine if there’s a need for deployment and in what strength. There should be a phone number, a secure local web site, as well as a frequency for radio that is distributed throughout the community. By establishing an alert system, you are enabling the people to report either an attack or some other threat or incident requiring evaluation and possible deployment. Remember, the Militia is there to protect the lives, liberty, and property of its member, therefore the Militia should also assemble and aid one another in the event of storms and other natural disasters… working with the Sheriff’s office in relief and security efforts. Read more at: publius87.wordpress/2014/01/02/a-plan-of-action/
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 14:53:39 +0000

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