In my opinion transformation pics arent really about the physical - TopicsExpress


In my opinion transformation pics arent really about the physical before and after...they are, but they are much more than that. The transformation isnt about how many pounds you lose, its about the time, effort, dedication, consistency, and discipline you put in to get there. Its about making a goal for yourself, and not letting anything get in the way of that. Its about sticking to your plan even when everyone else is trying to get you not to. Sometimes people get it twisted, they think this is about getting skinny. This is NOT about getting skinny. Its about feeling good in your own skin. Its about getting healthy so that you can live your life to the fullest potential. Its about building confidence, doing things you never thought you could, and being proud of yourself. The physical part is just the icing on the cake, it is everything else that makes this! I wrote this song, and put it to transformation pictures because the people in those pictures should be proud. It doesnt matter what it is, or who is telling you that you cant. Whether its about getting in shape, or following your dream, dont let the haters hold you down. If you feel deep down inside that you know where you should go....get there! To join my next challenge and get your own transformation click here ----------> https://jaimo.wufoo/forms/mforh8g1cgl7qv/ If you see someone you know in the video, tag them! https://youtube/watch?v=lF0xcdvyFf4
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:29:37 +0000

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