In my pursuit & investigation into the FACES OF MARS images as - TopicsExpress


In my pursuit & investigation into the FACES OF MARS images as seen in UFO DIARIES: CYDONIA, amazing twists & turns & Twilight zone coded realities that CHANGE HISTORY & CHANGE CONSCIOUSNESS... YOUR CONCIOUSNESS. To see an under the surface, behind the scenes view of again, CODED into place, that if seen & followed, leads us to an alternate reality as it were, of getting information that on the surface, NO ONE CAN ACKNOWLEDGE IT! It is interesting how those behind THIS CONSPIRACY OF THE FACES OF MARS, appears to be the one BEHIND THE SURFACE,... DOING THE LEADING? :-/ I am merely trying to FOLLOW THE DATA in which over the years is more literal to following that data that when pieced together,... like a PUZZLE... a WEIRD PUZZLE,.. Paints a PICTURE!! The images seen? These FACES IMAGES of course, yet also explainations for them, & in which this CONSPIRACY itself, appears to wanna test YOUR INTELLIGENCE to see if you all can THINK & PICTURE THIS DECODED INFORMATION & ask yourselves... SURELY NO INTELLIGENT LIFE,... CAN SURVIVE THERE?? I choose to include my situation & my CASE as Principlal Investigator into these images & Video/s, & HOST to the MARTIAN REVELATION RADIO SHOW, which again, was destroyed to prevent YOU ALL, from seeing & knowing & demanding the truth about them.... 8 years ago!! Yet these images has been kept secret from us all, for much far longer than this!! My research has led me to ALLOW ME TO USE... STUFFS,... to put a weird puzzle together. One that answers for many things & implicates so many more. Questions get arisen & some even answered. Even as to the things I am doing to utilize this DATA I FOLLOW, to use as a weapon against my enemy. yet, it serves its purpose not only for my fight & my plight in this investigation to get the TRUTH for us all, but for THOSE BEHIND THE PROGRAM itself. Where things must go & things WE MUST KNOW & WE MUST BE TOLD! THE POINT IS HERE IN ALL THIS STUFFS I DO... IT SERVES ITS PURPOSES. TO HELP CHANGE YOUR CONCIOUSNESS, TO CONDITION YOU ALL TO THIS other reality we all... can make reality! So to bring this behind the reality reailty, to the mainstream, & change their consciousness to SEE what has been going on under they eyes & noses & ears for all thee years detailing what the BIG PICTURE is painting of what & where this all must go & is indeed leading us to SEE. I wish to show certain aspects to my investigation & research where I feel I was & am at a current ability of connection to what I AM SEEING trying to be shown. Like Richard Hoagland states... LIKE EMILY DICKENSON,... YOU TELL THE TRUTH, BUT TELL IT SLANT! That is EXACTLY what I am doing & trying to do in following the data, to where it & HE LEADS ME! But crucial aspects to this case & investigation has indeed been met with questions & answers & connections to where this all leads to all the more coincidences where NONE AT ALL.. SHOULD EVEN EXIST AT ALL! Unless,.. it all is NO COINCIDENCE,.. THUS,.. SURELY NO INTELLIGENT LIFE???,... CAN SURVIVE THERE??? That infamous UFO DIARIES VIDEO is so much more than is being allowed, nor much of interest for anyone to talk about. Many claim to be SERIOUS MARS RESEARCHERS wanting noterity &/or fame, or to LOOK THE PART, NOT-SEE the importance in a video so extraordianry that it can & will change all their lives in HISTORY CHANGING EVENTS, as I am witness to its veracity of my statement. My life has been TOUCHED with this... ARTIFACT!! This work where INDEED... SURELY,... INTELLIGENT LIFE CAN,.. & DOES... SURVIVE THERE!! Serious Mars researchers will have the BALLS to dare to go where no MAN wants to go, in getting this truth. Like an archeologist, YOU MUST DIG IN TO DISCOVER!! ;-) So I wish to show a list of things to dig in that has been dug in for you,.. so you can DIG!! YA DIG??? ;-) YOU MUST BE CONDITIONED. Smoke a bone if you have one & is recomended for you to SEE & ability to THINK TO SEE THE PICTURE BEING PAINTED?! This is no way stops the relevance of this group page experiment. It is to focus what many have interest in which they see of things on Mars showing in their eyes,... FACES OF MARS! So lets all shift our consciousness as we look at from 2012,... This was a marker in TIME & a crucial piece of the puzzle which now, seems to be coming in clearer pf its picture & its REALITY & CONFIRMATIONS & VALIDATIONS of this. NO COINCIDENCES! CODE OF THE UFOS DOWN THROUGH TIME! (6 parts) https://youtube/playlist?list=PLyf26BVJj6WZWKbHxQk5P5QFrhhLY9DbO
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:12:59 +0000

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