In my secondary school level i read too much about African people - TopicsExpress


In my secondary school level i read too much about African people and their position under the sun. I read widely about the history of black people since time immemoral, their civilisations, their achievements, glorious discoveries, in areas ofof astronomy, astrology, cosmology, cosmogamy, geometry, religion, medicine, architecture....ect. i read deeply when i reached university about afrikan philosophical thoughts both social and political thoughts.and the mystery systems of sumeria, ethiopia, dogon, nok, nubia, monomotapa,ndogo, botswana, olmec,incur,aztec, the moors,matamba, kuba, ashanti,etc on addition to that i also read about European people since their evolution into the world from Neanderthal, to the Grimaldi man up to their human stage. then i continued to until when they became literate beginning with Holmers writing the illiad and odyssius around 850BC . i read about their cultural and social stages of development then the period of Greek civilisation, i read the writtings of their scholars from Xenophanes and eleatic school around 530BC then Pythagoras works, platos works especially the republic and the laws...then aristotlles works especially the politics and the metaphysics. then i went up to the European enlightenment age when europeans moved from their dark ages thanks to the black african moors who lifted them from the dark ages fro, 711AD to1492. then i read the works of those enlightened or renaissance scholars, their phylosophies, theories, etc. after all that period of intensive reseach tryin to look for answers to some questions which puzzled my mind and no one seemed to have the answers to them, then i came up with the following conclusion: There is a master plan to exterminate all african people from the face of the earth. the first trial was made by the Hyskos who were to be later called hebrews. these invaded africa around 1670BC and ruled african for 420yrs the were later defeated and driven away from africa by an ethiopian king ramess II and his great queen Nefertari. these started destroying the acient african cultural institutions. the stole african books and also copied african mysteries which were to later be used to come up with their religions. these killied thousands of africans and so others started migrating southwards and westward trying to runaway from the holocast. anothe r group which tried to exterminate the africans and occupy the whole of africa were the arabs.. these invaded africa around 625 AD and started raping african women, enslaving africans and killing millions, they chased many africans from their homelands and that is why the whole of north africa which was once occupied by blacks is now occupied by arabs to an extent that many afrikans think it has been like that isnce time immemorial. the arabs destroye african civilisations in egypt, lybia, ethiopia, sudan, west afrikan empires like the Mali, songhay, ashanti, they destroyed our universities like universities at timbkutu, like universities at djenne, sankore, amarna, thebes, memphis, alexandria, salamanca etc the modern plan was desined in 1776 when at gottingen university europeans made a conclusion thatlet us burry africa to the rubbish heap never to rise again....then a plan was updated in the 1800s when they introduced the eugenics and used them to almost wipe out the Namahereros from the face of the earth, they applied them in congo and exterminated 10 million zimbabwe and exterminated millions of blacks, they applied them among the blacks of Australia called the tasmanias and wiped them off the face of the earth, they did the same to black called the Cherokees and still using them today in Africa, Haiti, brazil, and mong black populations of india called deltis the descendants of the black Dravidians who were the original inhabitats of india and the induls valley. Then the plan was upgraded by henry Kissinger when he came up with the national social security memorandum 200(NSSM200) explaining how to depopulate africa and the third world massively using things like woman empowerment, women serilization, family planning and GMOs, etc Befor that henry Kissinger had called a meeting of world bankers to forge away of increasing the death rate and lowering the birth rate. From that meeting they secured $10 which helped them come up with HIV which was later to be bombed in Haiti, brazil, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Rwanda Namibia, congo, south Africa through a massive vaccination campaign against small pox. The vairus was put in the small pox vaccine. In that process 97 million people were vaccinated and with in 5yrs 75 million Africans had died. That was not enough in the same laboratory called detriot laboratory, Maryland USA they engineered ebolaand you know what it has done. The plan was to later be upgraded in 1992 when George bush was reported saying that “we want an Africa without Africans” when they celebrated 500th anniversary of Christopher of Columbus. And now they implementing the resolutions of that meeting in 1992. They have achieved a lot since then. They have managed to enslave the minds of the Africans such that they can’t see what they are doing to them. They have managed to create a reality for Africans which is indeed unreal. They have managed to spread family planning allover that continent and therefore compromising the fertility of African women. They have managed to destroy African indigenous seeds by replacing them with genetically modified seeds and crops and so Africa will soon experience the most dangerous famine ever recorded in human history. They have managed to create division in our societies that we cant see the real enemy and so we shall continue fighting and killing each other till we are exterminated. They have managed to lower us to the level of objects and instilled in us an inferiority complex that we admire anything European and hate everything black…ie blackmail, blacklist etc…that’s why our children study european history more than African history…that’s why every young afircan person is dreaming to going to either Europe or America. That is why those who speak English are considered educated. That is why we are fighting each other and dividing ourselves on basis of foreign religions, that is why we have adoted European ways of living and also replaced the African spirit of community with and individualistic spirit of the west “every man for him self and God for us all” We equate westernization and Europeanism to modernization and civilization. They have managed to destroy our fighting our fighting spirit which our anscestors had which also helped them to fight and secure our survival and now they have replaced it with conservatism where our people nolonger care, they have decided to be comfortable with captivity, their race is being exterminated and they are only looking for today and tomorrows bread not thinking of the future, not thinking of their descendants, those who study and graduate become individualistc looking for good paying jobs and they live their lives like that we that considering the survival of the continent for the next 100yrs That’s what makes me cry and loose sleep……share this so that their can be an awakening…
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 10:43:35 +0000

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