In my short lifetime, there were lots of things that I have - TopicsExpress


In my short lifetime, there were lots of things that I have wanted, many of them not needed, but I have never wanted anything as badly as this -- to discover exactly what it is that causes cancer in human beings. The statistics in the Bahamas are startling and SCARY, to say the least. What is it that we are we doing so wrong? I mean, look at my own dear mother. Who ate better than she and my daddy? Yet, we lost her to cancer (NH lymphoma) some seven years ago. Most people discover they have cancer during their forties though there are others discovering earlier, but my mother never discovered a lump near her clavicle until her late seventies. Cancer is a baffling disease even to doctors. I just wish I were a scientist or someone with the knowledge to dissect this disease, because far too many of us are losing our lives needlessly. I belong to a wonderful church that believes in informing its membership of ways that will be helpful to them in order to live longer, healthier lives. This morning, Superintendent Tanya Hanna invited two Adventist Doctors, Drs. Anthony Frankson, a medical lecturer at the Princess Margaret Hospital Medical School, and Joseph Evans, a seasoned Urologist who spoke so eloquently about what cancer is and how to avoid getting this dreaded disease. This is what I extrapolated from their informative discussion: We were made by the Creator Who knows exactly what our bodies need to survive. So its time to get back to the basics of the Bible and eat what God commanded we eat in the Book of Genesis - fruit, nuts and grain. The leaves are all around us for the healing of the nation. Drink adequate amounts of water every day. Exercise at least three times a week for at least one half hour each time. Ensure that you receive adequate amounts of sunlight every day AND TAKE A GOOD VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENT as well. Eliminate stress from your life. Watch very carefully the kinds of fats that you put into your body. There are good fats and there are bad fats. The fats that we receive from eating nuts and grains are the ones that the body thrives on. Ensure that you are getting adequate amounts of oxygen. Cancer cannot exist or thrive in an oxygenated environment. And above all, put your trust in God. He is your Healer and He wishes above all things that His children prosper and be in health. Fruit are very important in our diets and so are vegetables. Many people may say that they could never eat as many fruit and vegetables as the body requires every day. Might I suggest something that I have started doing a few months ago -- I drink fruit and vegetables in their rawest state by blending them together to make smoothies. I have found that this is really the easiest way to do it, and the bonus to this is that I shed unwanted pounds in the process. :-) Lastly, during this month of October when the spotlight has been turned towards the awareness of breast cancer in women, I encourage you, women as well as men, to get tested, because early detection is very often the key to survival.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 22:27:59 +0000

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