In my travels I have seen and experienced many things. I have - TopicsExpress


In my travels I have seen and experienced many things. I have known the tattooed rough biker to be an ally, I have known the suit wearing Christian to be an enemy. I have seen a homeless man give his last bit to simply help a lost person get home. I have been befriended by wild animals and been bitten by domestic dogs. I have seen the faith of a traveler outweigh the hypocrisy of religion, the kindness of a pagan outshine the lack of compassion of a church goer. On my road I have had a friend stab me in the back and an enemy offer their hand in help. I have seen water run thicker than blood. I know my family loves me but sometimes I think out of obligation for bloods sake. I know I am different but I proud of the man I have become. I took with me the morals and lessons taught to me in childhood and expanded them to confront the challenges I face in the world outside the small town from where I came. My work ethic strong and unwavering, my morals good and fair. I am a good human being, but still a human being. Full of triumph and mistakes, success and failure. I do not judge my family for its fails unto me yet ask forgiveness for my failure unto them. Though I could find a grudge to hold I do not rightfully hold a grudge. I am a man of experience, I see the world for what it shows me and use the common sense of my upbringing to make my calls in every situation. I have had lows living homeless and I have had highs created myown two hands. I have had the option of wealth if I did the bidding of the wrong sort and slept soundly with myself in poverty because I made the right choice. I can admit humbly my mistakes and short comings and yet stand proudly on my moral rock. I did not fear the unknown and longed to see it. When true fear gripped me I believe I showed my courage by doing the right thing despite my fear. My philosophy in life is to roll with the punches and keep walking forward because stopping to look and dwell on your problems is only a setback. I love and accept family for who they are, their faults and trespasse, their strengths and short comings. And I prey TO THE GREAT SPIRIT that someday they will love me for me, who I am as a good man, my short comings and success. Not just of obligations to blood ties. Toby Hughes a proud member of the Hammer clan.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 01:15:31 +0000

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