In my view, the integrity of the Department of Justice has been - TopicsExpress


In my view, the integrity of the Department of Justice has been severely compromised,” Cruz told Holder. “Predecessors of yours in both parties, Democrat and Republican, when faced with serious charges of abuse of power for partisan gain have made the right decision and appointed special prosecutors.” “I would call upon you to carry out the tradition of independence that attorneys general have honored that office with for centuries and protect the integrity of the Department of Justice,” he later added. “Given the political sensitivities, given the fact that individual citizens believe they are being persecuted by the federal government for partisan reasons.” Cruz also made a suggestion that should go without saying. He advised Holder to appoint a special prosecutor who isn’t a major donor to President Barack Obama. Holder said there isn’t a basis for the DOJ to appoint an independent counsel. He said he has “faith in the career people who are handling this matter.”
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:36:30 +0000

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