In my writing I attempt to convey to you something that I am - TopicsExpress


In my writing I attempt to convey to you something that I am certain is factual and that fact is that (TAKEN FROM OUR AMERICAN THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, JULY 4th, 1776) (all men are created equal, endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights) My topic is mainly military because it is something I have first hand knowledge of but in no way is it an attempt to recruit or sway enlistment so be aware of that. My purpose is rather to bring into light that heroes are not limited to race and should therefore not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character taken from the (I HAVE A DREAM SPEECH BY DOCTOR.MARTIN LUTHER KING August 28th, 1963) I usually begin my narratives with, what do these people have in common. but for me as an American of African origins this topic was so moving that I decided to forgo my usual test of American history knowledge and say that the men above along with many others that I will have the honor of introducing sacrificed themselves on the field of battle to save the lives of other Americans and did so with such distinction and valor that they were awarded our nations highest medal, the congressional medal of honor. I will further add that due to racism and bigotry in the military during their time of service in world war two the medal was not presented until after the civil rights movement and was therefore not awarded until 1997 and only one of six was presented to a living soldier. The rest were presented (posthumously) (after death). This is the link if you wish to view Each narrative I share with you of the men below is one of military record and more so is of their personal sacrifice, heroism, honor and patriotism despite the prejudice of their time for theirs are the faces of heroism. I am therefore proud and honored to share with you my first account of the unparalleled valor of First Lieutenant John R. Fox who is the United States military commissioned officer in the photograph below. Citation: For extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy in the vicinity of Sommocolonia, Italy on 26 December 1944, while serving as a member of Cannon Company, 366th Infantry Regiment, 92d Infantry Division. During the preceding few weeks, Lieutenant Fox served with the 598th Field Artillery Battalion as a forward observer. On Christmas night, enemy soldiers gradually infiltrated the town of Sommocolonia in civilian clothes, and by early morning the town was largely in hostile hands. Commencing with a heavy barrage of enemy artillery at 0400 hours on 26 December 1944, an organized attack by uniformed German units began. Being greatly outnumbered, most of the United States Infantry forces were forced to withdraw from the town, but Lieutenant Fox and some other members of his observer party voluntarily remained on the second floor of a house to direct defensive artillery fire. At 0800 hours, Lieutenant Fox reported that the Germans were in the streets and attacking in strength. He then called for defensive artillery fire to slow the enemy advance. As the Germans continued to press the attack towards the area that Lieutenant Fox occupied, he adjusted the artillery fire closer to his position. Finally he was warned that the next adjustment would bring the deadly artillery right on top of his position. After acknowledging the danger, Lieutenant Fox insisted that the last adjustment be fired as this was the only way to defeat the attacking soldiers. Later, when a counterattack retook the position from the Germans, Lieutenant Foxs body was found with the bodies of approximately 100 German soldiers. Lieutenant Foxs gallant and courageous actions, at the supreme sacrifice of his own life, contributed greatly to delaying the enemy advance until other infantry and artillery units could reorganize to repel the attack. His extraordinary valorous actions were in keeping with the most cherished traditions of military service, and reflect the utmost credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 15:28:41 +0000

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