In nature. Each creature has its own means of survival and - TopicsExpress


In nature. Each creature has its own means of survival and propagation of its species. Amongst every type of animal, from mammals to fish to birds to insects and even the different races of man, there is various species, some are carnivores, others are herbivores. Some are parasites that live off the bodies of other animals. Amongst the races of man, there is a parasite. The Jew. Wherever the Jews have been, they have always been the destroyers of civilizations and a parasite on the body of all mankind, bleeding others dry to feed themselves. Throughout all history and, in every nation he has plagued, the Jew has been the parasite, the poisoner of blood, corrupter of morals and the sworn enemy of any healthy ideals. They sneak in stealthly through deceit, treachery and corruption. Just as other parasitic creatures such as ticks use stealth to dig in to the skin of its host to suck its blood without the host being aware of its presence - Wolf
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:28:36 +0000

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