In one character Horus is designated Horus of the Triangle, and a - TopicsExpress


In one character Horus is designated Horus of the Triangle, and a theory has been put forward in Germany to the effect that the figure represents the pillar or cone of the zodiacal light. But the unexplained peculiarity of Horus of the Triangle is that his triangle is figured in a reversed position with the apex downwards and the base above, s. Whereas the pillar of zodiacal light was never seen [p.328] bottom-upwards in that way, and never could have been so represented. On the other hand, the triangle which was constellated in Triangula, is, we hold, the figure of a tripartite division of the ecliptic, and the triple seasons of the Egyptian year. The water-season being represented by Horus; the season of wind, or breathing life, and of the equinoctial gales by Shu; and the season of dryness, or drought, by Sut. These were called the water season, the green season, and the dry season. The three signs of which are (1) water, (2) growing plants, and (3) a barn or storehouse, which showed the crops were harvested. Four months for the water season gives the correct length of the inundation. The Egyptian harvest occurred in the eighth month of the year. Then followed a season of drought and dearth, which came to be assigned to the destroyer Sut. These three seasons can be traced as a basis for the zodiac that was afterwards extended to one of four quarters and twelve signs. Horus of the inundation was given the Lion as a solar zootype. The Archer, four signs further round, was assigned to Shu, the god of breathing force, and four signs are the correct measure of one season, or a tetramene. The Lion and Archer, or Horus and Shu, represent the two seasons of the inundation and of breathing life. The name of the Archer in the Hermean zodiac[23] is Nephtei, and neft signifies the soul or breath. Sut was continued in conflict with Horus in the constellation of the Twins, the power of drought that was opposed to the water of life. Shu was the reconciler of these two continually warring powers, and in the zodiac he represents the green season of vegetation and breathing life that came between the two seasons of water and of drought. This was fundamental, the rest is filling in. The three seasons of four months each would naturally lead to the circle of the ecliptic being measured and divided into three parts, which tripartite division was followed, at a distance, by the Babylonians in their mapping out of the sphere, and continued by them in a far later calendar of twelve signs. The Egyptian month was divided into three weeks of ten days each, which obviously corresponded to the heaven of the triangle, the tripartite ecliptic, and the three seasons in Egypt. Then followed a heaven of four quarters or sides, in which may be traced the houses of Sut, Horus, Shu and Taht; but the division of the month or moon and the ecliptic in three parts equated with the three seasons in a circle or zodiac that was measured monthly by the lunar god with his 3Í10 = 30 days. The two roads of heaven had been divided between the twin brothers Sut and Horus. The three roads were next divided between Sut, Horus, and Shu in the heaven of the triangle that stood as it were upon a tripod, three roads of the south, north, and equinox.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:23:00 +0000

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