In order to get to the end first we must start with a beginning, a - TopicsExpress


In order to get to the end first we must start with a beginning, a motive and then the end (The below is IMO only) I firmly believe that the McCanns are very happy to have us all bounding around our theories, accusations and the whodunnits, screaming neglect, abuse, bad parenting etc etc. Why ? Because thats what they want, they want it to continue to be spoken about and aired, they already set that up back when they did what they did to poor MM making sure that shed never be found, knowing what would be said about them and how they would be perceived by the general public and we are continually playing into their hands, they are getting air time on the net to fuel more pro McCanns to part with their money. They are happy that we keep going over the same old evidence, dissecting it, theorising it and so on. They know there are gaping holes and major contradictions in their stories, alibis etc etc, and yet they laugh because they are STILL untouchable, AS LONG AS WE ONLY TALK ABOUT THEIR TIME IN PDL THAT IS, now should we start asking questions about things prior to that time then I think youll find they wont be so happy to let the apparent isolated case of neglect be okay!!!!!! I do not think its enough to keep going over the same old stuff in order to prove what weve all known since day 1 of poor MMs disappearance. It is, has and will continue to go around in circles. What I think will cause this ongoing case to be brought to its finale is to unravel the events leading up to their holiday in PDL, and how it came to be that this could happen with so many people in attendance on one holiday yet nobody seems to know anything, or should I say is speaking out about it. Now we all know that K&G seemed emtionally detached from MM since day 1 where we first seen them aired on our TVs doing their appeal for MM in PDL. So lets take it from there and GO BACKWARDS, yep thats right backwards. Lets back up and find MM in the past before we try and place her in the future on her holiday in PDL. We are all now familiar with how MM was conceived and what she was like as a baby etc etc and whilst reading the early part of the book Madeleine I thought nothing of anything that KM wrote about MM UNTIL I reached a paragraph which read........ I breastfed Sean and Amelie, as I had Madeleine, so there were spells when I wished I had a few extra arms, usually mid to late afternoon when I was alone with the children and Madeleine would be getting tired. I would have to feed the twins one at a time when I was on my own, which meant that as I was feeding the first, the other one would not only be getting hungry and grumpy but would also be vulnerable to attack from a big sister needing attnetion After being troubled by that for the day it got me thinking, hang on lets place this child in the family at home in the past, and what went so drastically wrong that lead to this emotional detachemnt for such a beautifull little girl in PDL. So I began looking at the things her parents said about MM, the photos of MM etc etc and to be honest with you it all seems a bit odd. There are videos and pictures of MM as a baby with K&G up to a certain age, then they seem to stop. I thought where are all the pics of a 3-4 yr old MM with her Mum and Dad so I began trawling and I mean trawling for days, and from searches across the net I cannot find ANY that they have released or that anybody anywhere has released, but why not there are plenty of an older MM on her own or with S&A, cousins, relatives etc. Which got me thinking and looking at the pictures of her, and unless Im mistaken all the pictures and videos of an older MM seem to be based on only special occasions, visits out or what look like staged pictures or pictures of her on her own, and thats not even mentioning the missing holiday pics that a parent would have taken in abundance. There are NONE in KMs book, not even the famous by the pool pic with MM, GM, and AM. I began watching every video of K&G talking about MM I could get my hands on and we are all no strangers to the fact that she is quoted as a little girl she Madeleine etc and very RARELY if not at all our daughter Our Princess my baby etc etc. Which tells me there is an emotional detachemnt towards this little girl and I wonder why and when did that start. Was she a difficult child i wondered, did she cause problems for the perfect nuclear family of KM, GM, SM and AM. Was she too needy, too aggressive, too unloved that you talk about her as if she was a visitor to your family like the way you have pictured her for years, or was she just generally too unwanted. As an outsider looking in to me it seems that at some point MM left that family home and was not with them on a day to day basis (Ill post pics later which got me thinking that) it was like she became a visitor, photgraphed and videoed like one and treated as such. There is not ENOUGH evidence for me that portrays this beautiful young girl to be a full time loved and cherished member of that family, there is NO MADELEINE LOVE TRACE LEFT there seems no love lost for this little girl, no hearts breaking, no tears streaming and certainly no sadness what so ever. The above is what got me thinking about MM pre PDL and I dont think enough is known and if it were I think the events that happened on that holiday would make a lot more sense to us. So I urge people to look to the past to find out what were the motives that led them to stage what they did in PDL and then the missing gaping holes in their stories, the players in their games and the whole sorry facade will become a lot clearer. Which is why I think we have to start right back at the beginning before it will become clear about what happened in the end. (I could go on for hours about the fact that I think that poor MM was not a full time member of that family but ill leave the rest for me to post in comments/discussions, also please excuse my spelling mistakes ive typed so much today my fingers and brain are giving up lol)
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 14:30:15 +0000

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