In order to live the life you are destined for, you must first - TopicsExpress


In order to live the life you are destined for, you must first conquer your inner demons & release all of your karmic Debt. Then & only then will you be ready to be reborn/reincarnated & living your life to its fullest potential that you signed up for. Youve already made the choice. Now you have to understand it. The Oracle- The Matrix. (side note) the matrix trilogy is a documentary on the universe and the world, as you see, feel, experience and perceive consciousness through your body Shine so bright that you blind them, speak your own truth, with such clarity & confidence that it shakes people to their core. stick true to your gut feelings, Speak your mind, we as sensitives always put others needs first, DONT BECOME A RESCUER, STAND UP FOR YOUR-SELF! Take your power back, stop apologizing for things that arent your problems! By apologizing for those things you are giving your power away to them for free! quite literally. imagine you have ,well lets just say, you have 100 pieces inside of you that you need, in order to be complete & free your mind. So when you give you power away you are giving your (100) pieces away to someone or thing, each time you do this you chip away at your own self empowerment. Accept that you are a body on auto pilot, and that if you want to be free from attachment, expectation & pain, You have to raise your consciousness to a state of enlightenment. through meditation, music, life lessons, Diet & exercise, & also having a higher understanding of the TRUE Laws of the universe & how energy works within the cosmos & holographic reality we live in. You do not have free will, you have what you believe to be the ILLUSION OF FREE WILL.... With out every single life lesson that has been thrown at me in my life i would not be here today sharing this with you. Every single bit of of knowledge and research/evidence i post, i can fully explain in great depth. I am a Enigma of Information, I love to learn, I cant stop it, it is like a drug that you crave so very deeply that it drives your very well being and soul. You have free will over timings off things the People who are meant to be in your life will always find a way back to you, as you have both prior to incarnation into the earths matrix via your physical body, agree to meet one another at some point, or to stay in each others life or to teach you a particular lesson and then leave. I practice gratitude everyday, for instance i am grateful for this page, and for everyone who has liked it and shows support and i am also grateful for those who have not, for i have learned a lesson from them as well. Enlightenment is not what you think it is i can tell you that! It has become and over used Dogma in mainstream spirituality. People hear the word enlightenment and jump straight on the band-waggon, this is Dogma i speak off.... Most people, stereo-type spirituality/Enlightenment , and are quick to judge with a preconceived idea, That it is all about airy fairies and peace & love!... yes this is right to some level. I would say the best representation of that pure state of consciousness i would say in my opinion is Anthony Paul Moo-Young, HOWEVER.... Without resistance there is no reward. Do something each day that makes you feel alive, CHALLENGE YOUR BELIEFS AND SELF! Introduce a little anarchy into your world, any man who claims to be a holy man, saint, leader, jesus etc.. is that of deception & control. That is why a lot of spiritual people are un-happy, because you dont own your Dark. it is still controlling you and keeping you in a state of fear! Holding you back. You are only giving time and energy to the light! you need both in order to survive in this world, without it. well, look at how the world is today, so much fear, hate & racism, as a direct result of a Race of humans who are not Enlightened. If every single being on this planet was enlightened then there would be no more wars, no terrorism no more killing, no more separation... there would be acceptance of everyone and everything! Everyone would see one another for who they truly are! I just think personally that is something worth fighting for. The people who change the world, are the ones who believe they can!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:38:22 +0000

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