In order to redeem the sinner and wash away his sin and guilt, God - TopicsExpress


In order to redeem the sinner and wash away his sin and guilt, God the Father allowed His Sons Nephesh Soul to be crushed (literally made sick) by the disease of mans sin; and He allowed Christs Blood and Body to be crushed incurably in the grave until the third day, at the end of which He was Resurrected. The Nephesh Soul of Jesus Christ went to Hell and Death, taking the judgment of sinful mans nephesh soul; then, at the end of the third day, He arose again to make restitution and reconciliation for all sinful nephesh souls. The Blood of Jesus Christ was poured out on Calvarys Cross and raised up at the end of the third day so that the sin of mans nephesh soul might be washed away. The LORD Jesus Christ gave Himself as a Sin Offering, a Guilt Offering, to free man from the penalty of Death and Hell and to wash away mans sins with His own precious Blood. - Introduction To The Study Of The Blood Of Jesus Christ
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 11:18:49 +0000

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