In oriental literature Agam and Tantra words are repeated more - TopicsExpress


In oriental literature Agam and Tantra words are repeated more time and having different meanings because of their differential uses in different circumstances. They have on the one side explained the knowledge of religious and functional -clerfl/s_ methods and on the other side they explained the knowledge and principles related to sciences. The science of Tantrik Shilpa or Tantrik archaeology was related to the mechanism of mystical diagram and instruments. The Agam or Tantra-science was divided in two groups, first knowledge 1fg_ and second implementation -lj1fg_ or practical science. The knowledge part was also divided in two groups- Functional adherence and thought group. Functional adherence was named Upasana -pkf;gf_ means near and Ashan -cf;g_ means state or posture. Upasana was divided in two parts Oracular or occult and fictional behavior. The thought group was divided in six parts which are called six Philosophies. They are Sankhya, Mimansa, Nyaya, Baisheshik, Yoga and Vedanta. The functional part of science was divided in two parts first Psychology second Behavioral science. The word Psychology is used in multilateral meaning Man dg in Sanskrit is not mind. Man is a non-conceptual state of thought waves producing and functioning in upper portion of body named as soul.. Psychology was a branch of science which states the function of Man in Sanskrit. It could also be related to the mental activities concerning living behavior. The thought waves or radiant energy concerned with Man was also studied in Psychology. The functional Psychology -clerfl/s lj1fg) was stated as Tantra also. All the study related with functional Psychology named as occult science and Para-psychology in modern terminology. There were three branches of functional Psychology. First hymn-science second astrology and third was the science of mechanism relating devotion and other functional activities concerned with living behavior. Mantra or hymn was named as Matrika science also. It could be related with sound and though waves. It had two branches - Matrika and its implementation or practical use. The producing centers of sound and thought waves and their translation into visual state or the mechanism which change the sound or thought waves in to light rays or waves were the parts of this branch. They developed the mechanism so that the behavioral change could brought pleasure and happiness in life. The above Matrika science was the branch of orintalogy which could change life and gain the advantages from the sound and thought waves in life-system. Accordingly Astrology was also divided in main three branches. First it is physical astrology. Second ethereal astrology and third was philosophical astrology. Every branch had their three sub-branches- Theory part of physical astrology, calculative physical astrology and third horoscope description of planets and stars. It was named “Jatak” -hfts_. So the ethereal and philosophical astrology was also divided in theory, calculative and horoscope verifications. There nine branches of astrology were used. In modern age they were vanished or forgotten and the key to know the above from Vedas had been destroyed. Even now anatomy and astrology in living. The famous British astrologer Allen Leo had mentioned only some about the oriental astrology in preface of esoteric astrology. The second branch of functional science was behavioral science. It was the patricidal part of whole science. It was divided into three branches. First Shilp zLNk second alchemy Science and third was therapeutic-science. The Shilp zLNk is known in modern terminology as physics and as archeology.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 06:54:45 +0000

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