In other words, everything is moving at warp speed, but to you, - TopicsExpress


In other words, everything is moving at warp speed, but to you, the ones who have to stand in this daily grind of mental and physical exertion, it will seem that everything has come to a screeching halt, and you will feel yourself getting heavier and less optimistic by the day. Again, we cannot fault any of you for this, for it is only to be expected. After all, you have come such a long way in such a short time, but to you, it will at times feel like you have not advanced one tiny bit. But please know that during times like these, when there is so much going on that you do not have any clear picture of but you feel it in your very bones that ”something is up”, you are not stalled in any way. You will feel very much left out of the loop because of this restriction of information, and we cannot fault you for getting more than a wee bit exasperated by this, but again we say trust us when we say that all is indeed being taken care of, and you are all doing just what you are meant to do. We will also like to say that this seeming blackout of information will soon (yes, that dreaded word again) lift, and many of you will start to find your voice again. In other words, the information that feels sorely missing at the moment will start to filter back in again, and you will feel the connection opening up, louder and clearer than at any time before. So again we will conclude a message by saying keep breathing, and do what you have to do in order to help yourself to handle this growing feeling of frustration and exhaustion, and the best way is perhaps to make sure to stay connected to the rest of the ground crew for the duration of this intense period.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 17:50:01 +0000

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