In other words, the United States will continue to allow ISIS - TopicsExpress


In other words, the United States will continue to allow ISIS killing machine to have their way with unfettered carnage ...until a government suitable to ISIS is in control, so that the United States can support and make way for ISIS to continue their carnage in other countries in the Middle East (including Israel ...the ultimate goal) (CNN) -- The United States is unlikely to undertake any military strikes against resurgent extremists in Iraq before a new government is formed, American officials and Arab diplomats told CNN. The Obama administration has been careful not to publicly, or even privately, demand Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki step down, insisting Iraqis must determine their own government. But senior American officials and Arab diplomats said they see al-Malikis ouster as inevitable, as his inability to gain enough votes will eventually prompt his Shia-led party to put up another candidate acceptable to Sunnis and Kurds. Kerry to Iraq: Words are cheap Critics blame al-Maliki and his Shia-dominated government for the worsening sectarian division in Iraq three years after U.S. troops departed the country following years of war.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 19:43:37 +0000

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