In our Srimad-Bhagavatam reading we heard of Lord Ramacandra’s - TopicsExpress


In our Srimad-Bhagavatam reading we heard of Lord Ramacandra’s return to Ayodhya; “On reaching Ayodhya, Lord Ramacandra heard that in His absence His brother Bharata was eating barley cooked in the urine of a cow, covering his body with the bark of trees, wearing matted locks of hair, and lying on a mattress of kusa. The most merciful Lord very much lamented this. “When Lord Bharata understood that Lord Ramacandra was returning to the capital, Ayodhya, he immediately took upon his head Lord Ramacandra’s wooden shoes and came out from his camp at Nandigrama. Lord Bharata was accompanied by ministers, priests and other respectable citizens, by professional musicians vibrating pleasing musical sounds, and by learned brahmanas chanting Vedic hymns. Following in the procession were chariots drawn by beautiful horses with harnesses of golden rope. These chariots were decorated by flags with golden embroidery and by other flags of various sizes and patterns. Accompanied in this way, Lord Bharata, His heart softened in ecstasy and His eyes full of tears, approached Lord Ramacandra and fell at His lotus feet with great ecstatic love. After offering the wooden shoes before Lord Ramacandra, Lord Bharata stood with folded hands, his eyes full of tears, and Lord Ramacandra bathed Bharata with tears while embracing him with both arms for a long time. Accompanied by mother Sita and Laksmana, Lord Ramacandra then offered His respectful obeisances unto the learned brahmanas and the elderly persons in the family and all the citizens of Ayodhya offered their respectful obeisances unto the Lord. The citizens of Ayodhya, upon seeing their King return after a long absence offered Him flower garlands, waved their upper cloths, and danced in great jubilation. O King, Lord Bharata carried Lord Ramacandra’s wooden shoes, Sugriva and Vibhisana carried a whisk and an excellent fan, Hanuman carried a white umbrella, Satrughna carried a bow and two quivers, and Sitadevi carried a waterpot filled with water from holy places. Angada carried a sword, and Jambavan, King of the Rksas, carried a golden shield. O King Pariksit, as the Lord sat on His airplane of flowers, with women offering Him prayers and reciters chanting about His characteristics, He appeared like the moon with the stars and planets. Read more at
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 17:52:09 +0000

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