“In our day and age, numerous paths are offered toward - TopicsExpress


“In our day and age, numerous paths are offered toward spirituality. Since most people do not have a correct gauge in hand, it is difficult, indeed sometimes impossible, to distinguish the right path from the wrong ones. For those in search of spirituality, therefore, there is a high likelihood of being misled and getting entangled in fatal paths. Those who fall into the traps of spiritual opportunists or become toys in the hands of “tempter spirits” usually consider their imperious desires as “legitimate spiritual wishes.” TEMPTER SPIRITS In every method (meditation, asceticism, psychological experiences, etc.) used to acquire the quality of self-consciousness – or even when such a state automatically appears as a result of simply establishing contact with the world of spirits – tempter spirits are the first to approach us. Assigned with the mission of testing those who step foot into the world of spirits, tempter spirits target an individual’s weak points, preoccupy him with chimerical thoughts, and strengthen his pride through a variety of means. For example, they may suggest to an individual the he is one of the elite, or that he has a spiritual mission and is endowed with powers and miracles. These souls enchant human beings, but have nothing to offer them except nonsense. By subjugating the souls of vulnerable individuals, they can manifest themselves directly or suggest whatever they desire through inspirations, intuitions, voices, etc.; they can also affect us indirectly through a deluded master, a false guide, and the like. There is nothing more attractive and pleasing for the imperious self than to believe the enticements of the tempter spirits, for they are well informed about an individual’s weak points and know how to manipulate them. Someone who falls into the trap of these spirits is seduced and a state similar to an addiction arises within him; spiritually, the individual is considered lost, at least in this lifetime. Every human being encounters tempter spirits along the path toward perfection. Those who are alert pass this test successfully and safely enter the next stage, especially if a true guide is preserving and protecting them. Those who lack such protection, however, should take the following points into account: • To want the Source for the sake of the Source, meaning our goal and desire should be divine satisfaction. • To be prudent and judicious in choosing a spiritual path. • To avoid any guide or master who uses spirituality as a means of deriving income and securing his livelihood. There are also other tangible signs a seeker should pay attention to: Does the guide practice what he preaches? Is he hungry for money and power? Does he have a weakness for luxury? Is he selfish and enslaved by his imperious self? Is he lascivious? Is he a megalomaniac? • To consider spirituality as the science of the process of spiritual perfection, not as a tool for entertainment or experiencing ecstatic states and visions, acquiring altered states of consciousness, or performing miracles, wonders, stupendous acts, etc. DELUDED GUIDES Deluded guides refers to those individuals who unconsciously become entangled in the trap of the temptations of negative spirits, especially tempter spirits, due to their naiveté and thirst for power. Although such individuals may have some spiritual powers (wonders) at the outset, they rapidly expend them to keep their disciples satisfied. After squandering their spiritual reserves, they resort to various techniques to maintain control over their disciples. If there is any truth in the teachings of such guides in the beginning, they quickly become devoid of truth and are led astray. FALSE GUIDES If deluded guides are sincere to the extent that they believe in their own mission, at least at the outset, the same cannot be said for false guides, who are devious opportunists. Based on the ever increasing need of human beings for spirituality, they use the credulity or naiveté of individuals as a tool for deceiving them by posing as spiritual guides in order to secure their own personal interests. False guides imitate the external behavior of saints of the past. Devoid of any spirituality, they possess only some unusual powers acquired through parapsychology or paraspiritual techniques such as hypnotism, magnetism, meditation, etc.; most of them use psychotropic substances as well. False guides do not lead anyone to the Source. Someone who steps onto a false spiritual path, even if with sincerity, is searching for a treasure in a place where it doesn’t exist. Although he takes on many hardships, ultimately he gets nowhere. For a human being to advance spiritually, it is not sufficient to merely have faith in a path and to act upon that faith; rather, that path must culminate in a truth. To reach the truth, one must have faith in a real truth, not an imaginary one, and must put that real truth into practice. Most people who are deceived by false paths and guides have committed wrongs themselves, whether in this life or past lives. For example, someone who causes others to lose their faith will become a follower of false guides, false paths, or false religions in subsequent lives. The Source exposes the trickery of deceptive spiritual leaders – this is a divine law. Nevertheless, few are willing to accept this and to adopt prudence and a sound mind as their gauge, to open their eyes, and to see the imposter. ESOTERIC “EXPERTS” Esoteric “experts” refers to those seekers who consider theoretical knowledge to be sufficient for knowing mysticism. Although such scholars generally have vast theoretical knowledge, mystical knowledge is achieved only through spiritual understanding, which cannot be realized without practice and experience. In this realm, relying solely on theory is similar to wanting to become a master musician solely by learning the scales, or speaking a foreign language merely by memorizing the dictionary. Consequently, although the knowledge of such “experts” may contain some theoretical truths, it is devoid of any kind of spiritual cohesiveness and thus lacks practical value. WANDERERS Some individuals do not want to commit themselves to a place, path, or method and are under the impression they can personally create their own specific path. This mindset draws them to different schools, and they take away something from each one. Such “patchwork spirituality” does not reflect the real truth. Moreover, other than a few exceptional cases affirmed by the Source, no human being alone is capable of confronting the tests and traps that are an inherent part of the spiritual path. As a result of not having a protective guide, such individuals are subject to spiritual bewilderment and chronic confusion without realizing it, and may even lose the faith they initially had. Many also reach a point where they mistakenly consider themselves to be guides. CONCLUSION Spiritual traps and negative spirits lie in wait to prey on spiritual seekers. Faced with these dangers, the only effective safeguard is the supervision and protection of a true guide. True guides exist all over the world, but it is difficult to find them as they normally avoid commotion and fame and do not want to attract people’s attention or that of the media. If someone does not have access to a true guide, the wisest approach is to act upon the principles of his own faith and to focus his attention on the unique Source. If he does not adhere to a particular faith, it is better to observe ethical principles and to live according to his conscience, for not believing in the Source or a spiritual path is less harmful than believing in a false path or practicing deviated mysticism. The goal of mysticism is self-knowledge – that is, to understand who we are, where we have come from, what our duties are in this world, and where we are going. Once an individual comes to know himself, he will also know the Source and will enter the stages of the path of perfection, where he will persevere until he reaches perfection." {From "The Path of Perfection" by Bahram Elahi, pp. 185-189}
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 20:24:32 +0000

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