In our day and time, many people accept the idea of religious - TopicsExpress


In our day and time, many people accept the idea of religious pluralism. Even many nominal Christians have come to embrace this view stating that if an adherent, who is not a Christian, of another religion(say a Muslim) is truly sincere in their faith, then they will be included in Christ redemptive work on the cross. Many so called believers have even went as far to say that all people will eventually be saved in the end, thus becoming Universalists. There are major problems with these two views when it comes to Christianity and I feel the need to address them here: Problems with Religious Pluralism and Universalism: 1) Religious Pluralism: Some so called christians hold them view that adherents of other religions who are sincere in their faith will be included in the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. The problem, however, lies in the fact that this goes against of what Jesus Christ Himself taught. Jesus said, in John 14:6, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. When a person who claims to be a Christian also claims to believe in Religious Pluralism is in all actuality making the assumption that Jesus is a liar since He stated that He is the only way to get to the Father, and thus the only way to have the assurance of eternal life. A Muslim may be sincere in his faith or a Buddhist may follow the Noble Eight Fold Path of the Middle Way, and in their mind succeed in eliminating desire from their life and thus eliminating suffering, but according to Jesus this is not enough to ensure that they can have eternal life. Only in and through Jesus and His grace that He showed forth on the cross can we have that assurance. Thus Religious Pluralism holds no ground, and if one truly is a born again Christian, the thought that all religions can merit eternal and abundant life should not even cross their mind. 2) Universalism or the Wider Hope Theology: Along with Religious Pluralism comes another theology that is just as dangerous called the Wider Hope Theology or Universalism. The Universalist makes the claim that all people will eventually be saved. The main passage, Ive seen, used to back up this claim is Philippians 2:10-11 which states, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. The Universalist will tell you that in the end all people will confess Jesus as Lord. So does this really mean that all people will be saved in the end? The problem comes with the statement Jesus made concerning the fact that not everyone will enter into the kingdom of heaven. He states in Mathew 7:21, Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom on heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Jesus exclaimed that not everyone, even some who are so called Christians, will enter into the kingdom of heaven. So does Mathew 7:21 contradict Philippians 2:10-11? It does not. So what does Philippians 2:10-11 teach then? All people will indeed recognize that Jesus is who said He is. But for many, it will be to late and they will have no more chances. Only those who place their faith and trust in Jesus as the only means by which they can be saved will enter into the kingdom of heaven. Universalism is so dangerous because it teaches that their is no need for evangelism or missions and thus condemns many to Hell, who may have been saved if someone would have shared with them the gospel. Because how will they hear unless someone goes? In conclusion, Religious Pluralism and Universalism has become a dangerous and great obstacle for missions and global evangelism. Neither or hold any ground for the Christian because of the teaching of Christ Himself. We are not saved due to our sincerely to some religion or set of things to follow. We are not saved because of a to do list of religious practices. That is the beauty of Christianity and the fundamental difference that sets it apart from all other religions of this world. While all religions such as Hinduism, Daoism, Taoism, Shintuism, Buddhism, Islam and even Judaism say do some thing in order to merit eternal life or ensure that you will have a better life due to karmic cycle, Jesus Christ Himself says I have already done what needs to be done by the offering up of Myself. Come and follow Me. And He is very clear that this isnt something that all will obtains but something all can obtain if they choose to submit themselves to His Lordship and trust Him as the only means by which one can be saved. He has done what is necessary for eternal life, all we have to do is trust Him!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 03:46:20 +0000

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