In our emergent technocracy we are submerged in a sea of - TopicsExpress


In our emergent technocracy we are submerged in a sea of knowledge. Modern wonders reach their apex in the readily-available stores of knowledge at anyone’s fingertips. Given this seemingly magical commodity was heretofore unknown to vast swaths of now dead humanity, one would think man would jump at the opportunity to educate himself on any and every topic. Yet the reality is quite the contrary, as such a notion of aspiring, latent human potential had its origin in the universalized doctrine of “human reason” bequeathed to us from the Enlightenment. The vast online Alexandrian databases are only perused by a few, with the majority of humanity preferring to opt for a wasted life of the meaningless and mundane. In a strange twist that must baffle the modern progressive, humanity has devolved with the advent of their imagined tech utopia, not risen to the heights of transcendence. The question arises – what is the purpose of never ending streams of knowledge, without wisdom? Before considering that question, we have to ask how we arrived at this point. For several hundred years, Western man in particular has been firmly convinced of the dogma that humans are blank slates awaiting only the right imprinting, the perfected external educational stimulant, and when the hallowed secular social order finally gets it just right, man would achieve his Promethean triumph. When the coming technocracy appears, universal education and global democratic republics full of enlightened, informed citizenry will lead the way into the great ascent to godhood. With a rising erection, the Enlightenment evangelists even hoped a fully global government would be conjured up, like some benevolent republican idealistic version of the Incarnation out of the Kantian noumena. Instead, it becomes more apparent each day that these ideologues were either duped or consciously evil. The presuppositions of existing modernity and its structures of power are still operating as if the Enlightenment “truths” are axiomatic givens – enshrined discoveries of the heroes of science that are no longer in question, as the verdict of reason and history are fully and ever vindicated. The hard truth is that the Enlightenment ideologues were not only fundamentally wrong, but they were funded by the banking cartel for the purpose of social disorder and reorganization. The dark lords of cash and subversive secret societies atop the idiot demagogues and salesmen were quite cognizant of the stupidity of such notions of Enlightenment tabula rasa anthropology, nevertheless, the endless stream of Dantons won out and even still never go away.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 09:40:03 +0000

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