In our world there are two basic groups of people: those who act - TopicsExpress


In our world there are two basic groups of people: those who act altruistically for the sake of others, and those who act primarily for their own bodily pleasure. The latter type dont like to think deeply because when you really think deeply, you have to forget yourself. When someones thinking is self-centered, he will act accordingly. So we are talking about people who seek to live sacrificially for something greater than themselves, and those who want to live only for themselves. Unselfish people revere patriotism, altruism, saints and religious role models. They try to apply that to their contemporary way of life. The other type of person doesnt care how the saints felt, what religions teach, what the Bible states, or what philosophers write. They dont want to listen to any of that. They just pursue the carnal life or, shall we say, the animal life. They live for physical gain and seek their own satisfaction. Which type are you-selfish or unselfish? Which way is real for you? The problem is that you know the altruistic, righteous way is correct, but you cant always follow it. Fallen people are geared up to automatically think of themselves first and follow their physical instincts. There are many dont care people in the world. Students dont care about anyone or anything else. They say, Nobody tells me what to do. I know what is good and fun for me and I dont want to be bothered by anybody else. What about you? Are you that type of person? What does your original mind tell you? As the fallen descendants of Adam and Eve. people have inherited a selfish mind. Adam and Eve passed on a, self-centered attitude to all their offspring. How can that way of thinking be revolutionized? How can such people be turned around? To be free and do whatever you please sounds like a wonderful way of life, so why arent we going in that direction? Why are we even trying to prohibit such a way of life? ... To go in the right direction, we need a clear standard of right and wrong, good and evil. If six self-centered people comprise one family, there are six different ways of life in that family. The daughter says, Daddy and Mummy, you follow my way; I think I know best. The son says the same: Daddy and Mummy, you are old fashioned. I want a new, fun-filled way of life. You just listen to me. In such a home, there are daily arguments and fights. After every battle, morale drops until a disaster results. Can people become greater by fighting? No. Fighting brings division and weakness. Democracy is based on a consensus of the majority of people. Their unity is meant to safeguard the whole. We can conclude that in a democracy each individual cannot just proclaim his own way of life. People must reach a consensus about what benefits everybody. When we speak of benefiting everybody, are we moving up or down? It means moving upward. As individuals move upward in consensus, they reach the level of society. As society moves upward, it will reach the nation. As the nation moves upward, it will reach the world. That is how it works. If them is something beyond the world, we want to transcend the world to reach it. Nobody can deny the truth of that theory. Nobody can say its no good or that it doesnt work. In your heart, you want to be appreciated and popular, dont you? You want recognition from the society and nation; you even want to become a world champion in something. You want to go still higher and be recognized by God and the spirit world on an eternal basis. That is human nature. Isnt it true? If Orientals think that way, do you Westerners think the same? Then we are all the same people, arent we? We have the same course, the same original mind, the same origin. That is why we have potential for world unity. We must come up with a unified way to benefit everybody and raise them up. In order to survive and prosper, we have to devise some course, not only for the present. The same principle should apply equally to past, present and future. We have to come up with one criterion or principle that will enable everyone to unite and move forward. Is this something only Koreans want, or do Americans and all mankind desire it as well? Is this something only people want, or, does God want it too? We all have to move upward together. Do you think you can solve the problem by yourself, or is a joint effort needed? Can such a unified effort be found by following a selfish or unselfish way? Only by following an unselfish way can people be united. The selfish person would say, I want to benefit from you. Work for me and sacrifice yourself for me. But nobody would respond. The basic principle by which you can reach the goal is to five for the sake of goodness. The credo of history is to live sacrificially.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 05:05:17 +0000

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