In perhaps his most strongly worded statement to date, Prime - TopicsExpress


In perhaps his most strongly worded statement to date, Prime Minister Harper proclaimed that self defense is “not merely an Israeli right” to be exercised only in the abstract, but an “Israeli obligation” that must be defended by all Western nations. “Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions will encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions,’’ Harper said in a rare Sunday statement. “Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts [by Hamas] are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.” Forget about the U.S.-Israel relationship being the bulwark of Israeli security, say some. Israel’s best friend and staunchest defender is no longer found in Washington, but rather in Ottawa. Ending the war does not require Israeli “restraint,” implies Harper. It demands the world declare that sole responsibility for the terror of violence belongs with the terrorists. It is Hamas, claims Harper, that is entirely responsible for the current Israel-Hamas war. “It is evident,” Harper asserts, “that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region,’’ and he takes several swipes at the United Nations and the “international community” for calling for Israeli restraint in the face of escalating rocket fire aimed at murdering and maiming Israeli civilians. “Canada mourns the death and suffering of innocent civilians in Gaza. Responsibility rests solely with Hamas and its allies, who launched and continue to feed this crisis,’’ he said. Harper rejects outright calls coming from both the White House and the UN that Israel agree to a negotiated ceasefire with Hamas. Not only should Israel not agree to a ceasefire, says Harper, Israel should continue her offensive until the Iranian-backed terror group is “massively degraded,” if not eliminated entirely. “Indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification.” Next to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has clearly emerged as Israel’s strongest and most unapologetic defender.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 17:13:19 +0000

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