In personal opinions... Guys, if you are looking for a way to pop - TopicsExpress


In personal opinions... Guys, if you are looking for a way to pop the question I can list a few ideas that ive run across over the years that people seem to enjoy. I asked a whole lot of ladies in a verbal survey questions about proposals. Here is what we have learned. 1. Woman seem to love a sunset proposals. Personally i do love a beautiful sunset, but the location is important as well. Be in a place thats meaningful to you both, Not a sunset at some random outdoor restaurant that you have never been to before with a whole bunch of people you dont know watching to steel-share your memory. The attention should be on just you two in my opinion & a lot of peoples opinions ive asked. Remember guys, sorry but yes you are under a lot of pressure to get it right & make it special. She has been waiting for this her whole life. I asked a bunch of ladies about public proposals and most seem to think it puts the girl on the spot. It takes away from the special moment thats suppose to be just for you two. Very few woman i spoke with liked public proposals, especially if they werent properly dressed for the occasion. 2. A sunrise with merry me on a pancake doesnt seem to have the same reaction as at night either lol. Most woman feel like they dont look good in the morning without preparation, so asking the big question shes been waiting for all her life at the time she feels her worst is probably not best. Not to mention the fact that most people want to take a selfie when they get engaged to show the world and no woman that i know is going to do that picture right out of bed... lol.. 3. GUYS GUYS GUYS, we know you are excited to share with the world your love for this woman but leave some excitement for the bride as well. Telling everyone ahead of time and showing everyone the ring first spoils the fun surprise for the bride to play show and tell. She will be thrilled to tell everyone WITH you, and not to mention be overjoyed to show off her new bling, and to share the proposal you came up with, etc. Sharing the new engagement is her time to shine. You will def get your attention as well when she tells everyone how sweet the proposal was, so dont worry. If she has no one else left to share the good news with it can almost ruin the good moment that you worked hard to create for your special lady... 4. Food proposals.. NO NO NO from everyone i asked.. Ok no one wants to chip a tooth, swallow a ring, or dig out food particles from their brand new diamond.. No lady wants to clean cake out of the ring before showing it off... NOs all around the board... Basically a waiter you dont know, in a restaurant full of random people helped you propose. You can do better than that. Put some effort into it. She deserves better, and so do you. 5. Asking the question.... YES, Im a sap for a mushy proposal like most woman. The longer & sweeter the proposal the better. The woman i asked liked the men to make a long speech leading up to the actual will you marry me. Guys, make a sweet speech about your life together, how much you appreciate her, how happy she makes you, maybe mention something about how you chose that spot to propose in, how you picked that ring out and knew that was the right one for her, etc... Longer and more drawn out the better... Make her even more eager for it. lol. It Drives woman crazy to know its coming and wait for it. Getting down on a knee is a must of course. Remember, this sweet moment is what she will be sharing with the whole world so score those brownie points gentlemen. Make the other guys jealous, make the ladies drool over envy. Be that story that the ladies share i wish my husband would have done that.. Every girl wants to share their knight and shining armor story... 6. Learn her favorites and somehow include them in the night. Attention to detail is important. The right Flowers, food, candy, music can really start off the night right. Dont take her to a Resturant that only you like, pick her favs as well. Like for me, Im not a fan of red roses. I like white daisies, and yellow center. Its such a happy flower. Attention to her favs will score you many points. 7. Be conscious about her clothes. She will want to be properly dressed for your surprise. If you are in a tux and shes in sweat pants, could make her self concious. Maybe lay your favorite dress of hers out on the bed with a note. Maybe say ive always loved you in this dress, please wear just for me, pick you up at 6pm. Just an idea.... Im sure you can be romantic enough to think of something. She will want to look nice for the occasion and look her best when it happens. Ladies & Gentlemen, please feel free to share your stories below so that others can get you take on things. Its always nice to have several points of view when you are about to do this sort of thing. These situations are an important part of peoples lives so any help is always appreciated. Guys often wonder How and When.... Lets help them out.....
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:24:45 +0000

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