In plain English! As plain as can be. - TopicsExpress


In plain English! As plain as can be. Thesis. Philosophy. What all this has to do with Atheism? Or religion for that matter? Not much really. Just an introduction or a thesis of how religions came all about. Isn’t this fun? If you say so. But let me go on: It was and still is customary all over the world, that once a baby is born i put a religious stamp onto the newborn whatever faith the father is following at the given time. If you want to be objective about this you will come to the realization that no one is born with any given religion. Putting a religious tag onto the newborn is usually done by the father and or the mother. That voice again. Boring! Bite me. In the past even before the wheel was invented, people communicated by grunting. Matter of fact, this form of communication is still in existence up to this day. Did you know that love was not even invented yet, so when the male species felt the urge to relieve himself of that impossible urge to bury his tool that grew between his legs, he just followed nature’s drive that made him tap the first women on the right shoulder, which was the sign for her to bend over so that the male could bury his Shafticus- Erecticus into the opening she presented to him. The meaning of a tap on the left shoulder has been lost with the times. [ And this procedure has not changed for millions of years and the male still grunts through the act as he has done so, from way back then.] In those days there were no formalities, not even a bang-bang thank you…. For people communicated with grunts as mentioned before. I must be getting old. I believe I just repeated myself. Well! For that was the method of communication and interestingly to note still exists up to this day. Language as we know it to day evolved the same way as we did. In Time. Fact was, many different languages originated from those few original grunts. To the point that to this day the experts can not agree what those grunts really meant. The research to that is still going on to this day. Difference is that to day it is called bible study. **************************** To get back to what I was talking about and jar your memory a bit, it pertained to the act of mans Shafticus-Erecticus. Don’t bother to find this word in the dictionary. It is old- old Greek. I t is even older than Greek. Man still are trying to find where it originated. Here is a hint, Adam? To go on; Well, it generally took nine month before another member of the tribe sprang into existence. Needless to say that it was women who figured it out of what caused them to swell up and ever since was able to take control of the grows of the population in this world. She could have succeeded if it where not for that itch she felt periodically in her not so private region, that only could be taken care of and scratched by the male species. Needless to say, that this was in the times before the human mind came up with the idea to create some superior being. The what? Please don’t interrupt me. I will get to it in time. Wake me when you are ready. ====================================================== There usually was more then one leader or elder or Chief if you prefer to call them that. Eventually, the tribe as it grew in time realized that it had too many Chiefs and started to fight each other. Groups were formed and the leader of the tribe who had the biggest following won out. The day came when the Chief decided that he should be the one and only one so he abolished all sub chiefs by shortening them by one head and declared himself the one and only Ruler and as time went by he declared himself a living god with the power of life and death. Things have not changed very much throughout time. People learned at an early time that Might is right and we still live by that rule, nothing has changed in all those years. Those who objected to the idea that I am the Almighty were slain, This convinced the few who thought different and fell into place and swore allegiance to the now living god. This lasted for a while till someone else felt that he was more deserving to play the role, split away and formed his own kingdom and that’s what is still going on all over the world up to this day. Only difference is that today some are still called Kings, or Presidents and Potentates. Some people even call them politicians. All right I am awake again, did I miss anything? That depends on the mood you are in. May I continue? Who is there to stop you? ==================================================== Article # 5. In that case. Here is an interesting take off on how matrimony got started. In my humble opinion it all started with a woman proclaiming that the man who had bedded her once should belong to no one else, but her. He became her personal man, lover, slave, and whatever you want to call it. This of course did not go over to well with the male, and from that day on the first magical disappearing act was born. It worked so well in the past that it is still practiced all over the world up to this day. Something had to be done to curb those disappearances, and someone sure did. Whoever coined or came up with the idea of marriage, no one is really sure of it anymore and the reason for it got lost a long time ago. Here is a cue. Magic act, remember? My you are good. Then came the argument, of who was responsible for the newborns upbringing, and man in his infinite wisdom, or was it the women who decided that it should be a joint venture? Whatever. And as time progressed, laws sprang into being. Some of them based on objective reasoning, most of them dictated on feelings. But what the hell, it seemed to work, and if they did not? They were changed to fit the times. Now, comes the tricky part, of who determined the status of the newborn? If they had been married before the coupling took place, they are usually known as parents, and if they were not married by the time the child arrives the baby is considered legally, to be illegitimate. I am happy to say that things have changed within the last 50 years or so regardless of one or the other, legally speaking they are still lovable little bastards. Of course that does not make it any easier for the mothers who are left by the sperm donor who of course swore eternal love to this young lady, who is now left holding the ball [Child. In this case.] and takes off for greener pastures where he will sow his seed to the next willing female, looking for love in all the wrong places. How on earth did I get onto the subject of unrequited love and the byproduct of same? Well, it was fun so far so I might as well go on. When all of a sudden that little powerful voice in my head cautions me, Careful there my little grasshopper, don’t overdo it. Does that voice belong to the one I am thinking of? Sure is. But keep on writing, chances are that most of the readers will have no idea of what you are talking about. After contemplating this statement for a while it finally downed on me and I realized that I finally got it. Indeed, I did get it! It all started by being born, and if lucky, all the six senses were in working order and the brain was and in many cases stays that way for the of that individual. Tabula rasa. Look it up. And before you can even comprehend of what is going on, you got yourself a name, and a religious affiliation to boot. Lucky is the child whose parents let their offspring’s decide of whose teachings and philosophy of life they are going to follow, for all a parent is responsible for, is to teach what is right and what is wrong by using objectivity as their guide. All of a sudden I hear a roar within my mind, and a booming voice says; You got to be kidding? Keep dreaming. ==================================================== Article 6, After all, religion dictates that you do not question that, what is written in the so-called good book. You are to except all of it on blind faith and blind faith is exactly that what it says. Blind! No questions asked. No proof necessary, for who are you to judge the wisdom of your elders. It does not leave you any choice whatsoever. Either you toe the line or you are labeled a heathen and it was not that long ago that you would be put to death by either, burning at the stake or some other gruesome method. All this was legal, for the hierarchy of the church was only following the will of God. But you do have a choice. If you should choose Atheism, you will soon find out that you have entered a new world where only you can either give or forgive. Article # 7. To be an Atheist you will find and realize in a very short time that you are swimming against the stream of public opinion, but you have to come to the understanding that reason and reality, are the only guidelines for any sane person to exist. It is to understand the difference and meaning of facts or fiction. For reality is what it is, regardless of its perceiver. In order to call yourself an Atheist you do not have the luxury to suspend your mind for not even for the shortest of time. It is not an easy task, it would be so much easer just to close your mind and let others make the decisions and decide of what is good or bad for you. That of course would be the easy way to live your life. Sounds rather easy, does it not? Billion of people choose to follow this route and let others dictate them of how to live, and what to believe in. How much to donate. What to love and whom to hate. There is nothing easier then to go to a professional filth eater where you can unload all the bad deeds that you have committed in the past, and who then will successfully plead your case to a higher source of his/her own making, and will promise you absolution. For a price that is. The price dependent on the severity of the sins that one has committed. This is the best racket that man has ever come up with, and goes back Thousands of years. After years of studying different philosophies I found that the philosophy of “Objectivism” fits my moral and intellectual standards. What is Objectivism? 1. Literature, emphasis on the actual: The emphasizing of external realities rather than beliefs or feelings in literature or art. Philosophy, the belief in independent truth: A philosophical belief that moral truth or external objects exist independently of the individual mind or perception. With that in mind, it gives me the freedom of choice that is denied in so many other philosophies. What also drew me to the philosophy of objectivism, is the fact that I did not have to suspend my mind, nor my consciousness for even one second. What other ism gives you such the freedom of action? People are under the illusion that if someone declares him or herself being an atheist means, that they do not believe in anything, which of course is a contradiction of term. For in order to belief in nothing, one has to expire. Regardless of race, creed or color, or whatever society you are born into, the chances are that you are indoctrinated to belief in something. Your parents or your guardians will have made sure of that. One does not sail through life rudderless, for life depends entirely on the decision that you have to make day by day in order for you to survive. That does not necessarily mean that mistakes are not made, but as long as one is willing to take the responsibility and is willing to correct them, the damage can be rectified. More about this subject in later articles. Have a nice day! By: H. Stern. Plain enough?
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 18:32:48 +0000

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