In quest for Righteousness, a captain of knowledge is to sail a - TopicsExpress


In quest for Righteousness, a captain of knowledge is to sail a ship of Religion in the Sea of temptation; due to the time constraint, he stood on the pier and started hurrying the passengers, religious personalities as well as the prominent dignitaries of substandard moral uprightness to embark the ship. Few seconds to the beginning of the sail, salvation, mercy and scripture arrived accordingly; he allowed salvation to go on board, but neglected mercy and scripture at the sea shore. Afterwards, salvation asked him the reason for not allowing scripture and mercy to come on board. I know the scripture, and the quest is all about righteousness and you stand a better chance than the others, in fact you; salvation, prayer; praises as well as I would be the officers in charge of this ship, he replied. What about the crew, salvation asked again. Among others, I have faith, prosperity, fortunes, happiness, miracles, testimonies, joyous melody and kindness as the crew, he replied. Afterwards, scripture said to the Captain: ‘you might be full of knowledge, but there is no way a reader of a book can know the contents of the book more than the Author and the book itself’. Mercy: ‘In spite of the spiritual consistency of Moses, a small hole almost sinks his great ship; I, mercy was the one sent down by the creator to rescue him’. Despite their touching statements, he ignored them and said his Gospel team is complete. On their arrival at the shore of righteousness, he heard a voice saying your righteousness is like a filthy Rag before me, it is my mercy and words that can qualify your salvation.
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 08:44:52 +0000

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