In re-reading Richard Dawkins’ book “The God Delusion,” I am - TopicsExpress


In re-reading Richard Dawkins’ book “The God Delusion,” I am again perplexed that such a brilliant man uses such trivial arguments. One of the central arguments in his 400 page book is, given that there was a moment of singularity or the Big Bang, and the universe has a beginning—If God created the universe, then who created him? Really? So here it is: If X created the universe, then who created X? This is what philosophers refer to as a complex question. It severely limits the range of answers possible. Lets look at it in the context of a different example: If a chicken gave birth to the chicken-egg, then who created the chicken? Well if we apply just an elementary amount of logic to this, its simple: The Chicken was birthed by its mother, and back and back and back. Here is the problem: Chickens are by definition, born. They are created beings. This question is presupposing that God is a created being. Now, I don’t believe in a created God any more than Richard Dawkins does—we call these idols. The truth is, Dawkins wouldn’t have sold many books had he called it, “The Created God Delusion.”
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 03:50:16 +0000

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