In reading posts on Facebook sometimes, I find it interesting how - TopicsExpress


In reading posts on Facebook sometimes, I find it interesting how people judge other people. It s not right but it is interesting. Everything in life is about priorities including relationships. Everyone s priorities are not the same but that doesn t make them wrong just because their priorities are not the same as yours. The trick is finding someone whose priorities run along the same lines as your own! For example,some people value material things while others not as much. This might stem from many things or nothing at all. Another example, some people put their family first while others don t. Some people would go into debt to save a beloved pet s life while others consider this dumb and frivolous.(It s all about what you place value on.) These are just a few examples. Relationships are the same way, some people don t feel loved unless they receive constant reinforcement in the form of phone calls, texts or hearing the words often. Some might want a more tangible form of showing affection as in flowers cards etc. Others go by actions and/or might not need the constant reminders. No one way is right or wrong because everyone is different or has become the way they are due to their past life. Another example,one person might like someone that plans for the future, another might like someone who lives in the moment. Neither is right or wrong, it s all about what those involved consider important. It s interesting when, by judging what someone else is doing with their lives is wrong, people are assuming the other person s priorities are EXACTLY like your own, and actually, most likely, they are not. You cannot judge how another person chooses to live their life because we are all different. BASIC right and wrong never changes, but the CHOICES belong to each individual, as do the consequences of those choices. People will never stop judging others, no matter what, but I can still read and find it interesting. Lol!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:01:54 +0000

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