In reading the responses about the post I just made about the - TopicsExpress


In reading the responses about the post I just made about the grief cycle...I just want to share a few things... Grief is a journey and a two people grieve the same way... there is no time table on grief...There is no quick fix... the only way to deal with grief is to go through it...If you dont grieve and just bury the pain, it will re-visit you and compound with each new loss...Just talking about your grief will not make it go away...There is no time table for grief...Grief can not be rushed...Others may attempt to rush your grief...Multiple losses at once (such as after a divorce or when someone is widowed and the many life changes that come with those situations ) extend grieving...The stronger the attachment, the more intense the feelings of loss...You can be doing fine and then be ambushed by grief...Grieving does not mean you lack faith...Grief may challenge your faith...we dont get over or let go after losing someone we love...we learn to adapt to life without our loved being physically present, but we dont forget them or stop loving them... You will probably grieve somewhat differently each time you experience a significant loss. Your reaction to loss is influenced by the relationship you had with the lost person, object, or situation, and your general coping style, personality, and life experiences. How you express grief is also influenced by the things youve been taught in your in family, cultural, religious, and social rules of your community. If you go to the link I shared you will find helpful info. on how to help someone that is grieving, how to help yourself, when to know if someone need help for their grief, etc. Heres the link again. hopeforthebrokenhearted/understanding-grief/
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 14:02:56 +0000

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