In reality, Rouhani is a regime loyalist who has been on Iran’s - TopicsExpress


In reality, Rouhani is a regime loyalist who has been on Iran’s Supreme National Security Council since 1989 and who served as the nation’s chief nuclear negotiator from 2003 to 2005. In a recent television interview, he boasted that Iran’s strategy during this time was to use the diplomatic process to buy time for the development of the nation’s nuclear program by exploiting a wedge between the U.S. and Europe, thus preventing the United Nations Security Council from taking action. “(America) wanted what we had in nuclear technology not to be completed, and that we surrender what we had already,” he said. “What we aimed to do was to create a space so that this technology is completed.” For those who oppose Iran becoming a nuclear power, one silver lining of Ahmedinejad’s Holocaust denial and constant bluster toward Israel and America was that such rhetoric helped clarify the true nature of the regime. It made it much easier to argue for the isolation of Iran and to build support for measures to thwart its nuclear ambitions. Now, Rouhani’s election (and the flood of naive stories in the Western press about his moderation) will prompt calls for more engagement with Iran. Meanwhile, the regime will get exactly what it wants – the breathing room it needs to acquire nuclear capability. In this sense Rouhani is much more dangerous than Ahmedinejad. m.washingtonexaminer/irans-dangerous-moderate/article/2531984
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 07:46:25 +0000

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