In recent times the constant tirade and relentless attack on - TopicsExpress


In recent times the constant tirade and relentless attack on Mamadee Dikete for making such a bold statement with respect to Weah ineptitude has been taking a twist for the worst. Most importantly, it seems like folks that should quarterbacking for Weah by proving Mamadee Diakete wrong are even supplying this man with more ammunition to keep mudsling their leader, simple becuz CDC and Weah’s supporters always also get off to a wrong start with no logical argument to make in the first place. They most often speak in coded languages, and here’s the narrative if you pay attention closely…….Three to be more specific….. (1) Everything that Weah lacks means it’s a minus in their world……For the Weah can barely articulate his own ideas or make a sound case for public office, means any politician gifted with speaking, or presenting sound ideas with respect to governance or policy means you’re a nonstarter to begin with……The simple message here’s, Weah don’t have it so yours is a waste….Like they say Misery Loves Companion..... (2) Bingo Politics- Educated People Failed, so we should try every Tom, Dick and Harry out there. The biggest nonsense of them all you will keep hearing the time. The fact of the matter of is, intellectual curiosity (Education) is a safety net, not a sure fire guarantee for success, so this stigma that educated ppl is the biggest enemy to the state is another lazy argument. Education does not equate to failure, becuz it can never be proven. How dare you make such an argument when more than 95% of world leaders acquired top notch education @ sometime in their respective lives? To be hypothetical, they made these bogus and outrageous statements that are void of any substance without taking into considerations Weah himself by standard is an educated man. If you’re telling me that education means failure, but you opted to choose Weah who happens to be an educated man means, you’re signing up for failure becuz last time we checked, he had a Graduate Degree to begin with……So either you are telling us that Weah’s education is fake which Mamadee and rest keeps saying, or he’s just another train wreck in the making instead of the solution you so desperately craved….. (3) Expectations- Ellen is a failure seems to be the biggest “Red Herring” you will hear on the campaign trial, which is fair to some extend based on who you asked. The question here’s, does Ellen failure turns into another candidate’s success, or just a Catch Phrase used to siphon votes from unsophisticated or low information voter? Secondly, supports of Weah claimed that his relevancy with respect to politics is perfectly rooted in Ellen’s inability to live up to expectations. But up to now, we are yet to hear where he might differ with the president or areas where they see eye to eye on issues. Buying pig in the bag is never a smart option and yet these guys keep selling smoking mirrors to the public. If Weah is unable to set standards by which we might judge him in the future, then how can this man be successful in the first place? How can you mark the grade sheet of a Boo-Boo in politics? U claimed to be the man that’s capable of delivering the “Downtrodden Masses” but showing us how you’re going to pull such a trick remains a mystery. Conclusion; Maybe Weah’s supports can say that to the fowls of the air, becuz the Liberian ppl just signed up for another failure to begin with. Like Mamadee Diaketa and the rest keeps saying, Weah can enjoy and leverage his football popularity to the fullest, but saying he’s able to do anything to change to the narrative is just fake in nature and an insult to the little guy on the street. To reinforce Mamadee Diakete argument, even the man himself know he’s a train wreck in the making that’s why he decided to remain mute during the entire process. A Boo-Boo will never give you result, so you can take that to the bank.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:35:27 +0000

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