In recorded German Naval Documents that I have uncovered with the - TopicsExpress


In recorded German Naval Documents that I have uncovered with the help of such Internet multiplayer programs like Call of Duty, I have found some startling information in regards to German U-Boats penetrating deep into American waters and even as far as Lake Sakakawea. in the Spring of 1942 as German U-Boats were wreaking havoc on the Eastern seaboard of the United States one such U-Boat penetrated the Mississippi River and into the headwaters of the Missouri not in search of war plunder or espionage, but to hunt and find a fish so rare that you are hearing about this here first. The One-Eyed Marmisette Shiner, is a prehistoric fish as old as the Earth itself. It rivals in age to that of the modern Paddlefish and is also a bottom-feeder that feeds off of Paddlefish, small children, and the occasional tossed aside oil worker. These illusive fish have managed to, time and time again, survive everything nature has thrown at them and have evolved into some of natures most toughest fish. As I stated before in the Spring of 1942, the U-574, under the command of Otto Sanish, left the safety of their U-Boat base in Northern France for a mission so secret that not even the members of the Reichs ministry or the Fuhrer even knew. Under the personal command of Admiral Karl Doenitz did this mission strike to seek out the known existence of One-Eyed Marmisette Shiners and to see if their armored skin and mating calls, that were known to deceive the ASDIC, or sonar at the time, were successful in such harsh environments as the North Atlantic. so trapping one was a must. The U-574 managed under the cover of darkness, and Concluding some terms with a couple of steel firms, ( I think thats a Gordon Lightfoot Song) to penetrate the headwaters of the Mississippi River in March 1942, and only moving under the cover of darkness, managed to deceive any late-night onlookers by posing as a river barge. When they reached Lake Sakakawea in May of 1942, and running low on fuel and some mild hull damage from bored children throwing rocks and Trunyan husks at the disguised submarine, they set out immediately to find the rare fish by the old trick of putting corn on a fish hook and seeing what the bounty of the lake would produce. 2 weeks yielded no success so under Captain Sanishs orders the fattest man of the crew, Obersteuerman (Navigator) Karl Van Hook was clubbed over the head and smothered in German Potato Salad and Sauerkraut and cast overboard, connected to a steel cable and dragged mercilessly for hours until finally the mighty fish arose from the deep. This is how Van Hook got its name. The fish immediately engulfed the submarine, dragging it down in to the depths with all hands being lost at sea. The site was uncovered in the 1950s and the remains of Captain Sanish were found. Inorder to protect not only the fish, but the secrecy of the mission, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had ordered the construction of a project to forever cover up the known existence of German submarines penetrating American waterways. and to allow more habitat for the Shiners. Millions of gallons of water. The more you know.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:18:19 +0000

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