*************************************************** In regard - TopicsExpress


*************************************************** In regard to legislation that silently creeps into our lives, people should be aware that state governments across the country are trampling all over our human rights. Everyday we wake up, if we are paying attention, we will find there has been yet another right taken away from us. I, for one, am sick of all this legislation being passed without votes. Why doesnt anyone see that our freedom to pursue happiness is at risk every time these laws are passed? I am just fed up with stupidity, whether it is in your state, our state, or anywhere We cant buy big drinks, we cant smoke in our own homes, fast food restaurants cant serve certain foods, business owners are told what is allowed in their own establishments, school cafeterias are forced to serve food that just gets thrown away. Schools cant teach, parents cant parent, the Pledge of Allegiance is frowned upon, and now were being told what kind of pets we are allowed to have. If you are an anImal owner, be aware that eventually you wIll not be allowed to own the animal of your choice. What you can have will be decided for you through legislation. It has already started wIth the dangerous animal act that is moving across the country, state by state. It may sound like a good idea to keep exotic animals out of the hands of private owners, but why? Exotic owners are what - second class citizens? Hardly. An exotic animal and its up keep can cost a lot of money. Most people with exotics have money. They contribute to the economical growth of our country. Why should legislators be opposed to that? And now consider this: legislation will not stop there. Soon youll be told what kind of dog or cat or bird you can have - because anything else will become exotic and you wouldnt be allowed to have it. At that point you will know how exotic owners feel right now. Rights that were once ours in a free country are being taken away without votes. Do you think this cant happen? Well we didnt think it could happen either. Responsible exotic animal owners who love their animals and take very good care of them, have suddenly lost our right to devote their lives to the animals of our choice. Without cause, someone is making decisions for us. Just one more example of a fundamental right being taken away. We can no longer pursue the happiness of having pets of our choice, and legitimate breeders (tax paying businesses and employers) are being put out of business as if we dont have enough unemployment in this country already. The groups behind this legislation are the HSUS and PETA organizations. Youve heard of them and you are lead to think that they do good work. But they do not. They line their pockets with your donations to pay their CEOs and your donations do not help save animals. They do not support animal welfare, nor do they stop euthanasia. In reality, what they do contributes to the deaths of animals. We had a beautiful female spider monkey that had been the love of our lives for 29 years. Our governor, John Kasich, for some reason, (perhaps money or ignorance), decided to listen to them and promote legislature to take away our right to own an exotic animal. The new legislation made us get her chipped, it really wasnt necessary. We he asked for an exemption but they wouldnt allow it. Two days later she died. Now imagine that you were told to follow the law even if it meant you would lose the love of YOUR life. And to add to the heartbreak, you cannot replace the animal with one like her because - now it is illegal. Is this the kind of state you want to live In? Is this the kind of country you want to live in where your rights are beIng taken away silently, one at a tIme? HSUS and PETA use scare tactics like telling you exotic animals carry dangerous diseases and pose a public health threat. Nothing could be further from the truth! Every exotic has to born in the USA! They havent been imported for years. They are born and bred in USDA accredited facilities for the pet trade. They do not carry any strange diseases!! I know you cant fix stupid, but legislators just have to educate themselves to look past the money and the big organizations that are elaborating on lies and half-truths, about dangers that exotic animals pose to the public. How many times are there real tragedies that involve the public? The facts are, statistics show that dogs and cats cause more injuries based on percentages, than any other animal species in the United States. But when something happens involving an exotic, the news media is the first to blow it up to monumental status - even if it is just a scratch - and public outcry makes sure that the animal is killed. Look beneath the surface and you will find ridiculous law suits and litugations that just reflect more ignorance. If your chIld bites another kId, you dont put hIm down, and you can get sicker from a human bite then you can from most animals. There are a lot of people who breed children that bully, kill, and spread diseases. We dont legislate against procreation. But we will legislate against the exotic owners. Why? They tell you exotic animals belong in The wild. What exactly does that mean? They have never lived in The wild. They were born here in a facility! Think about our rights, and then think about the animals rights as well. I am sure they would rather be fed, and kept warm and comfortable, and safe, and enriched, no matter where they are. Surely, there are bad exotic owners out here, and that is why there should be some oversight, so animals arent abused and are taken care of properly. But to strip away our right to share our lives with an exotic that someone else calls dangerous is ludicrous. Plus, with all the craziness in this world, money spent on all this legislation and the execution of it is insane. U.S. citizens just seem to accept what the government does and act like sheep being herded from one side of the pen to the other. Very soon, the working population will no longer be able to support all the people who want the government to support them. Isnt THAT problem more pressing to government than who owns what animal and how can we stop people from loving the animals of their choice? More importantly, how much influence do citizens really want government to have in their lives? It amazes me how many freedoms can be taken away every day and no one says Hey! Wait a minute! Legislators love the phrase There ought to be a law, because now they look around and say, Well, I have the power, let me see who will pay me to make this a law. And so it goes. Politicians play God, get the government agencies to do their bidding, get paid by lobbyists to along the way, and citizens never know what happened. To reverse any kind of legislation that has passed,even something that causes all kinds of citizens hardships from that legislation, groups have to form and pay large sums of money to get attorneys and lobbyists to turn things back to the way they were - to regain freedoms. And sometimes that is virtually impossible. Politicians are ruining this country, and we cannot stop the train. Now states are trying to turn law-abiding citizens and businesses into criminals if they dont comply with these ridiculous new animal laws that no one even needs. Wake up people!! Tell the government: You are in our lives TOO MUCH! We are mad as Hell & wont take it any more!!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 12:30:00 +0000

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