In regards to Bowe Bergdhal: I dont understand the perspective - TopicsExpress


In regards to Bowe Bergdhal: I dont understand the perspective of those who assail this decision to bring him home. Do we refuse to medically treat an injured driver because he was driving drunk? Do we let a person drown in a riptide because they screwed up and failed to realize the danger of swimming in the ocean? Do we allow runaways to be raped and abused because they brought it on themselves by running away? Do we tell those who are suffering from heart attacks and drug abuse that they cant have treatment because they caused their own disorders? Whats up with all this rush to judgment BEFORE we help those who are in need of aid? What harm comes from us doing the RIGHT thing by others who are in crisis, and then dealing with what went wrong after the problem has been resolved? And how can we even know what went wrong until weve had an opportunity to discuss their story with the person involved in the incident? Im deeply troubled by this mental, conceptual movement toward judging, rather than loving, one another. Its showing up in everything we do—from withdrawing food stamps and welfare from the unemployed, to reducing wages, to blaming the poor and minorities for being in tough situations, to prepping ourselves to shoot to kill in any situation that makes us feel threatened.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 17:51:32 +0000

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