In regards to the Michael Brown killing: The bottom line, in my - TopicsExpress


In regards to the Michael Brown killing: The bottom line, in my educated opinion, is that an unarmed man was killed, and the killer should be brought into custody. There should be an investigation and trial in order to get to the truth and have justice served. If a civilian were to do the same thing the cop did they would be arrested immediately and given due process. A civilian, had they done the same thing the cop did, would most definitely not be free to go and put on paid leave from their job. They would be in police custody until the investigation/trial was finished. Some claim the cop acted in self-defense, and even if he did that doesnt change the fact that he should still go through the legal procedure that civilians would have to go through if they did the same thing. In fact, ordinary civilians who use lethal force as self-defense, as ruled by the court, still go on trial and can still end up doing time in certain states. Cops, as we know, are not above the law, nor are they above the people that they are supposed to protect and serve. When something like this happens and the cop is not arrested and put on trial, as would be done to any civilian who did the same thing, the message is being sent that cops are above the law, and above their fellow human beings. It is sending out a message to the civilians that cops can kill you and get away with it so you better be scared and you better comply with orders given. This to me isnt about race, its about justice for all people, its about right and wrong, its about the police being held just as accountable for their actions as we civilians are for ours, its about us not allowing the powers that be to use their gang, the police, to control us through violence and fear, its about trying to prevent an all out police state. We all know the US injustice system is crap and that the police have become a gang that serves the powers that be, and that they have been given authority to do as they please. So why do so many people who know this remain resistant to the fact that this incident is an injustice? Its an injustice that could lead to many more of the same, or worse, injustices and we can not sit back and allow that to occur. It would be an injustice no matter who got killed and no matter who did the killing. The just and right thing to do is to arrest the cop and give him his due process. Peace and love.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 22:02:24 +0000

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