In regards to whats going on in Ferguson. I support the protestors - TopicsExpress


In regards to whats going on in Ferguson. I support the protestors and hope more join them. I hope this spreads to other cities, but not just in the wake of some future incident. For the past few months I have shared the occasional news story and thoughts on corrupt, or militarized police. Without directly saying it, Ive tried to get others to research and perhaps speak out in some manner as well. I began doing this after reading news posted by others and then researching to find out they were right. Whats going on this week is more proof that this cant continue. What is happening now, will happen again, and probably very soon. And like now, many will focus on the looting and rioting. Many will focus on the fact that maybe the shooting was justified and we just dont have all the details yet. This happens a lot. While the focus is on those things, its easier for the apologists to get people to ignore the trampled rights of peaceful protestors, as if its possible to justify in a nation which is supposed to be free. They will say and do anything to keep the topic to shifting to the unchecked powers, and the tactics used to maintain a position which no police force should ever have had to begin with. They dont want people to remember that there is a higher authority than that of the badge on the chest of a thug. But there is a higher authority. Its weakened, but its there, and we need to defend it. The only way things will charge for the better is if we all call for the de-militarization of police. Appox. Quote: When the police act like a military, then the the citizens end up being treated like enemy combatants, and the police end up being seen as an occupying force by the public. - some guy that makes sense. History has been shown this to be true. Many people will try and twist this arguement to mean the position is in favor of disarmament, and try to dismiss the idea as far fetched. Where those seeking reversal come with facts, and statistics, history, incidents, and a plotted course if things dont change, those people that support the act of doing nothing and dont see the problem with unchecked police power are at best extremely ignorant of where this leads. Others may not care what it means to trade freedom for security. Sadly, those people are near hopeless. I see them as the type who will not act until it is them, or someone directly in their own personal world who is affected. Though Cliche to quote, this is true of those people: First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. - Non socialist, non trade unionist, non jew, guy. (MARTIN NIEMÖLLER) Are they rounding people up? No of course not. Not yet anyway. To those people: Oh, I must sound crazy for implying that might happen, huh? I dont know if it will, or if it wont. The point is, were letting this get to a place where theyll have all the tools needed to do so, while the people will have none of the tools to resist. Why are you not wanting to do anything to stop this and reverse the trend? If everyone took the time to look into how this slide into full-on police state is happening, and where it will likely land us all, if we all dont pull our collective heads out of our asses, wed all agree. I can not see a logical way anyone could deny this, yet deny it they will. And it doesnt take much searching either. With that said, Im not an expert. Im just a citizen with a general knowledge of history and of current events.If thats enough to scare me, then it most likely would be enough to scare they rest of the country into action... Theres a metric shit ton of things we all can argue over and ultimately do nothing to change one way or another. This is one of the few things where most would agree and by acting in one fashion or another really could change our country. Seriously, you can change the country. Give it a shot. So what to do? Call or write your mayor, governor, congressmen, senators. Discuss with friends to let them know youre concerned. Tell everyone you support civil disobedience and protesting. Post a factual news article or two and support your position if challenged, but dont fall for those trying to bait you. If you read this far, youre a true friend of mine. Thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:36:36 +0000

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