In related news, I keep meaning to post about the funds that I - TopicsExpress


In related news, I keep meaning to post about the funds that I raised before going to Ferguson. As some of you know, right before I went, I decided to bring as much protection against police aggression as I could. I bought respirator masks and goggles and antacid for treatment against tear gas, and some earplugs for the sound cannons. As it turned out, I arrived just as the police de-escalated their approach, and so none of that stuff was necessary at all. While there, I met a kind group of guys running a free bbq truck, feeding protesters on a strictly donation basis. I made a hearty donation to that with the money I raised, but there was still a lot left that Id only spent on protection against police that were no longer acting like combat soldiers by the time I got there. Fortunately, I was able to return almost all of that stuff (except the antacid) to Ace Hardware in Denver, and so I still have about $200 that I raised for the cause and have yet to spend. The most obvious place i can think to spend it is here for the Memorial Fund being collected for Mike Browns family. But if anyone has other ideas, Id like that money to be spent well, since my first attempt to do so was well-meaning, but misguided. If I dont hear what I think is a better idea by Monday, Im going to go ahead and donate the remaining amount raised here. Thanks for your input. gofundme/justiceformikebrown
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:16:18 +0000

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