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## In replies all of the text above this line must be included ## stephenmrichards6 Oct 25 19:37 (PDT) If you have any more advice for me, please contact me. Sent from Windows Mail From: support@planet-tachyon Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 5:59 PM To: stephenmrichards6@yahoo Friday, October 25, 2013 10:04:06 PM -UTC Pre-Chat Survey ________________________________ Your Name: Stephen Richards Company Name: Anvil Panow Creations Email Address (Send Transcript) stephenmrichards6@yahoo Phone Number(optional): 6613314945 ________________________________ Welcome to UISCA Stephen Richards. Your UISCA Lve Support professional, DJ, will be right with you. DJ 10:04:16 PM Hello, how can I help you? Stephen Richards 10:04:26 PM Might someone be peering at me and eavesdropping on me using tachyon particles flowing through the walls atomic spaces? DJ 10:05:31 PM no, tachyon cannot carry information like frequencies can. DJ 10:05:46 PM in fact, they will actually clear information from frequencies. Stephen Richards 10:06:29 PM What particles might be passing through the walls atomic spaces? DJ 10:07:10 PM so for instance if someone were to attach some type of spying energy to say a particle wavelength like microwaves if said microwaves/radiowaves passed within the range of a silica disk the spying particles would detach and disappear from the wave. DJ 10:07:30 PM almost any energetic wavelength can pass through solid materials. Stephen Richards 10:08:06 PM Might someone be peering at me and eavesdropping on me with microwaves next to a silica dish? DJ 10:09:07 PM someone may be eavesdropping on you via microwaves, however if those waves got near a tachyonized material it would detach the spying/intent if the energy. Stephen Richards 10:09:43 PM Tachyonized materials might stop the peering and eavesdropping? DJ 10:09:47 PM I believe thats a type of energy manipulation, basically witchcraft right? Stephen Richards 10:09:58 PM Yes. DJ 10:10:41 PM so yea, tachyonized materials bring sticky frequencies back to their most base form, unable to carry information at all. DJ 10:11:08 PM it will basically cleanse the frequency of all energy manipulation. Stephen Richards 10:11:11 PM How can I use tachyonized materials to stop the peering and eavesdropping? DJ 10:11:30 PM this is the same reason it protects against the harmful effects of EMFs DJ 10:11:56 PM youll want something omni directional on your body. DJ 10:12:04 PM and strong, like silica. DJ 10:12:40 PM so i would recommend a 35mm Ultra disk in a pocket or on a chain or in your wallet or someithing DJ 10:13:17 PM this will create a bubble of energy around you that manipulated frequencies cannot penetrate DJ 10:13:56 PM or technically, the frequencies will penetrate but the attached manipulated energy would be cleansed from the carrier signal Stephen Richards 10:14:36 PM What is the brand and model name and where can I buy it? DJ 10:15:19 PM planet-tachyon Stephen Richards 10:15:35 PM Thank you! DJ 10:15:51 PM once there click quick shop on the main navigation bar Stephen Richards 10:16:04 PM Okay! DJ 10:16:17 PM then select the Ultras catagory Stephen Richards 10:16:26 PM Okay! DJ 10:16:37 PM there you will find all the omni-directional disks. Stephen Richards 10:16:53 PM Which one is right for me? DJ 10:16:56 PM the 35mm is the best size to carry around. Stephen Richards 10:17:04 PM Okay! DJ 10:19:09 PM glad i could help stephen Stephen Richards 10:19:18 PM Thank you! DJ 10:19:40 PM do you know why someone would be spying on you? Stephen Richards 10:19:49 PM No. Stephen Richards 10:24:10 PM I complained about a see-through mirror in grade school. DJ 10:25:23 PM what would happen if you took it off the wall? tunnel? Stephen Richards 10:25:48 PM It was a long time ago. I dont teach anywhere, either. Stephen Richards 10:26:17 PM I was a grade-school student when I complained. DJ 10:27:01 PM teachers dont often take their students seriously. stuff like that must be taken care of personally Stephen Richards 10:27:20 PM Okay. DJ 10:28:08 PM but energetically the 35mm ultra disk is the key. it cannot effect physical objects but it does have a profound effect upon energies. Stephen Richards 10:28:26 PM Okay. DJ 10:31:22 PM you can also use the larger 6 ultra disks to affect a room or large space. Stephen Richards 10:31:31 PM Okay. Stephen Richards 10:37:15 PM How large of a disk would clear up 400 square feet of space from spy activity? DJ 10:44:01 PM youd need tachyonized quartz for that DJ 10:44:17 PM or to paint the walls with tachyonized star dust DJ 10:44:42 PM star dust can create a 4 foot thick barrier on walls that are painted with it. Stephen Richards 10:45:42 PM What about a six-inch disk in each room? Stephen Richards 10:48:17 PM Of a 400-square-foot apartment? Ethan has joined the chat. Ethan has left the chat. DJ 10:50:32 PM a six inch disk, will cover roughly 40-50 cubic feet DJ 10:50:44 PM with the disk at the center. Stephen Richards 10:51:07 PM In the middle of a 40-50 square-foot room? DJ 10:51:41 PM yea Stephen Richards 10:51:43 PM What about more than one disc combined per room? DJ 10:54:37 PM that would work. DJ 10:55:00 PM one in each corner would effectively quadruple the affected area Stephen Richards 10:55:01 PM By a factor of one disc per every 40-50 square feet per room? DJ 10:55:06 PM yea. Stephen Richards 10:55:23 PM Placed on the floor or ceiling? DJ 10:56:12 PM floor, unless two story, then ceiling on the lower level, floor on the upper level. Stephen Richards 10:56:27 PM Okay! DJ 10:57:56 PM well, im headed home. did you have any other questions? Stephen Richards 10:58:10 PM When indoors, should I carry the 35 mm with me to include with the room disks? DJ 10:59:34 PM sure, just to be safe, however if you are within the effective area of the 6 disks it isnt needed. Stephen Richards 10:59:49 PM Okay. Stephen Richards 11:00:30 PM What if someone else has disks indoors while Im carrying the 35 mm disk with me and walk into their building with it? DJ 11:00:41 PM same thing. DJ 11:00:52 PM ownership has no effect. Stephen Richards 11:01:07 PM How would I know they would have any disks indoors? DJ 11:01:16 PM ask them Stephen Richards 11:01:39 PM What exactly should I ask before I enter any building? DJ 11:02:37 PM well, if you wear a 35mm disk you wont have to ask anything. the vast majority of people dont worry about energetic surveillance so they would have no idea what youre talking about Stephen Richards 11:02:49 PM Okay. DJ 11:04:59 PM did you have any other questions? Stephen Richards 11:05:05 PM No. Stephen Richards 11:18:03 PM One of the spies just said, Twenty-five dollars for not telling. Stephen Richards 11:21:58 PM One of the spies just said, Ten million dollars for telling the truth. Stephen Richards 11:23:10 PM One of the spies just said, He just made ten million dollars! Stephen Richards 11:24:08 PM One of the spies just said, Im not hanging up until you do. Stephen Richards 11:25:08 PM One of the spies just said, They are copying Stephen. Those are the spies. Yes. Stephen Richards 11:26:12 PM One of the spies just said, Why are they laughing at us? Stephen Richards 11:27:36 PM One of the spies just said, Okay. This is an example of what we can do to help him in this school program. Stephen Richards 11:28:33 PM One of the spies just said, They know its a school? How do they know its a school? They can see him typing. DJ 11:29:09 PM wait what? you get audio? Stephen Richards 11:29:21 PM No. DJ 11:29:34 PM how do you know what they said? Stephen Richards 11:29:50 PM I hear them psychically. Stephen Richards 11:30:16 PM I mean in psychic ways. DJ 11:31:29 PM so that means you have a two-way connection. technically audographically you are spying on them too, which most likely isnt to their advantage... maybe they dont even want to spy on you. Stephen Richards 11:31:59 PM Maybe not because they might feel the way I do about spying on them. DJ 11:33:38 PM i mean why even spy on you in the first place? what do you do that is so important that someone with the knowledge to establish such a connection would make the effort to maintain the connection? Stephen Richards 11:33:51 PM I dont know. DJ 11:33:52 PM i mean, are you involved in state secrets? Stephen Richards 11:34:00 PM No. DJ 11:34:35 PM seems to me that its more likely an accident or natural and that they dont want to be psychically connected to you. Stephen Richards 11:34:54 PM Okay. DJ 11:36:26 PM so severing the connection with an ultra disk would most likely be of benefit to both parties. most people in our modern world reject the notions of witchcraft or psychic powers. it could be very damaging to such a person to Hear voices or see you energetically. Stephen Richards 11:36:44 PM Okay! DJ 11:38:19 PM then again, maybe that person is linked to you for a reason. have you ever tried to use your connection to seek them out? who knows. maybe this is a connection due to a compatibility of souls. DJ 11:38:38 PM you could find your soulmate. Stephen Richards 11:38:39 PM Okay. Stephen Richards 11:42:14 PM I just said to the spy, Youre supposed to understand that just because youre looking at me psychically doesnt mean Im insane. Stephen Richards 11:44:42 PM A spy just said, So shes listening to his mind, then. Stephen Richards 11:45:40 PM A spy just said, What do they say? Okay? Stephen Richards 11:46:36 PM A spy just said, I know whats going on. That doctor is in trouble for asking that without my permission. Stephen Richards 11:47:45 PM A spy just said, Ive got to go there. Ive got to be there controlling all of that. Stephen Richards 11:48:56 PM A spy just said, Hey! If you think you are trying to start a war, you can just forget it! Stephen Richards 11:50:07 PM A spy just said, Weve got to stop reading his mind! This is the worst thing in the world! DJ 11:51:20 PM weve? how can two people read a mind? ive heard of machines developed by the government, but then you wouldnt be able to communicate with them. Stephen Richards 11:51:29 PM A spy just said, Mind reading is true, but we already knew it was, I think. Stephen Richards 11:51:44 PM I dont know. Stephen Richards 11:54:15 PM A spy just said, This is against the law! Stephen Richards 11:56:19 PM A spy just said, Its all messy, and then theyll think, Oh, then it wasnt a set up. Stephen Richards 11:57:18 PM A spy just said, We shouldnt be proving that we care about everything too much. Stephen Richards 11:58:24 PM A spy just said, Lets get out of here! This is the dumbest thing in the world to figure out! DJ 11:58:38 PM technically im pretty sure mind reading isnt against the law. Stephen Richards 11:58:46 PM Okay. DJ 11:59:34 PM even if it was, no jury in the world could convict someone of it. Stephen Richards 11:59:42 PM Okay. DJ 12:00:16 AM thats why your only real option if you want it to end is to sever the connection yourself. Stephen Richards 12:00:28 AM Okay. DJ 12:01:21 AM you wont get help from the outside world because no one will acknowledge it as something that happens Stephen Richards 12:01:23 AM A spy just said, We think we are an audience of tennis players! Stephen Richards 12:01:33 AM Okay. DJ 12:02:23 AM lol, your spy doesnt make much sense do they? Stephen Richards 12:03:28 AM I visualized someone watching this conversation on an iPhone right before they said that comment about the audience of tennis players. I think that they mean an audience for tennis players. Stephen Richards 12:05:08 AM My visualization was of a woman sitting in bleachers next to the tennis courts in the park in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. Stephen Richards 12:06:08 AM A spy just said, Now...now...now, if you think that doesnt matter Im going to screw you up for that! Stephen Richards 12:07:15 AM A spy just said, I know what they are! They are black people looking like idiots in a big cul-de-sac in Fort Thomas, Kentucky! Stephen Richards 12:08:39 AM A spy just said, Hey! What is going on?! That shouldnt be happening! Stephen Richards 12:10:05 AM A spy just said, If they are in the fort in Fort Thomas, Kentucky, Im a monkeys uncle! They are not in the fort in Fort Thomas, Kentucky! Stephen Richards 12:10:38 AM A spy just said, Yes, they are because that is what he just visualized in his mind! Stephen Richards 12:11:48 AM A spy just said, I understand. This is dumb! We really shouldnt be doing this because its messing everything all up! Stephen Richards 12:13:19 AM I closed my eyes and then a spy just said, What are we supposed to do now? This is boring now because he is not looking at the computer any more! Stephen Richards 12:14:53 AM A spy just said, So what he sees matters to us, I suppose. Stephen Richards 12:15:55 AM A spy just said, I want that for Hollywood production purposes because it feels like Awakenings! Stephen Richards 12:17:05 AM A spy just said, They want that? Well, if they want that can they give you some money for it because its really mean to do to you without paying you for it! Stephen Richards 12:18:13 AM A spy just said, Shes really sorry for everything! Shes totally embarrassed! Stephen Richards 12:19:20 AM A spy just said, Shes sees when hes typing. She stopped. She wants it to look good, too. Stephen Richards 12:20:10 AM A spy just said, I know whats going on! She is really embarrassed, too, I think! Stephen Richards 12:21:00 AM A spy just said, And then they think youre watching them and they get so upset they hang up! Stephen Richards 12:21:53 AM A spy just said, And if you dont hang up youre not in trouble for not following the government rules! Stephen Richards 12:22:48 AM A spy just said, They want him to hang up? I think they do. Stephen Richards 12:23:19 AM A spy just said, Thats two people! Now she doesnt know whats going on! Stephen Richards 12:26:46 AM A spy just said, I wanted him to be a transcriptionist, and then he can just do that, and then he would get so grossed out that he would become a doctor! See what Im doing? Stephen Richards 12:27:29 AM A spy just said, Im making him into a transcriptionist, arent I? Stephen Richards 12:28:14 AM A spy just said, I better be because this is the dumbest thing in the world to try to do this and not succeed! Stephen Richards 12:29:03 AM A spy just said, So what are we supposed to do now because if she is not succeeding is she really not succeeding? Stephen Richards 12:29:51 AM A spy just said, This really isnt all that interesting all of a sudden because there Stephen Richards 12:30:08 AM nothing to do anymore! Stephen Richards 12:30:49 AM A spy just said, Never mind, Stephen Richards, never mind. Stephen Richards 12:31:21 AM A spy just said, Shes being that woman who used to say that on TV! Stephen Richards 12:31:47 AM A spy just said, Lilly Tomlin, I mean, I couldnt remember her name! Stephen Richards 12:32:36 AM A spy just said, Okay. Thats enough. Lets get out of here. This is so boring I cannot even believe it! Stephen Richards 12:33:38 AM A spy just said, Thats really not all that boring because he spelled everything right and used all the correct punctuation and then he can be a transcriptionist. Stephen Richards 12:34:42 AM A spy just said. Im a little bit satisfied too but not all that much more because its all messed up and we have to print it all out and give it to the government. Stephen Richards 12:35:18 AM A spy just said, Dr. Bracken. Stephen Richards 12:36:24 AM A soy just said, What do we have to do? We have to leave this all behind and go to Syria and screw them up! Stephen Richards 12:36:50 AM I mean a spy. Stephen Richards 12:37:35 AM I just heard a child laughing out loud. Stephen Richards 12:38:02 AM I mean not psychically. Stephen Richards 12:39:19 AM A spy just said, Alan Richards gets it all the time from those black people screwing around in the middle of town in the downtown sector of society. Stephen Richards 12:40:26 AM A spy just said, This isnt really interesting any more because we cannot really give that to the government. Stephen Richards 12:41:34 AM A spy just said, The only reason this is happening is because he was saying, eat me, drink me, to government workers and he thought he was talking to little children! Stephen Richards 12:41:56 AM on a personal computer! Stephen Richards 12:42:39 AM A spy just said, It was the first time he had ever used a personal computer. Stephen Richards 12:43:09 AM A spy just said, And didnt know what was going on. Stephen Richards 12:43:33 AM That one is an imposter, I think. Stephen Richards 12:44:49 AM I just heard a man shouting out loud, not psychically, We need that! Stephen Richards 12:45:16 AM A spy just said, Dont you know whats going on?! Stephen Richards 12:45:34 AM A spy just cussed, D___ it! Stephen Richards 12:46:10 AM A spy just said, I thought you were doing that. Werent you the one doing that? Stephen Richards 12:46:34 AM A spy just said, They are blaming Stephen for cussing. Stephen Richards 12:46:55 AM A spy just said, Yes, they are. I agree with that. Stephen Richards 12:47:11 AM A spy just said, Why wouldnt she be an imposter? Stephen Richards 12:47:52 AM A spy just said, Yes! Thats it! Thats exactly whats going on! They agree with Stephen! Stephen Richards 12:48:20 AM A spy just said, And are spying on him, anyway...is that what you mean? Stephen Richards 12:48:51 AM A spy just said, Yes, in a way, but not exactly. Vistor browser unreachable (visitor closed chat window) ________________________________ No Post-Chat Survey ________________________________ This email is a service from ATTI Support Center. Delivered by Zendesk.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 03:48:13 +0000

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