In response to Jack Fowlers recent hate fest. I want to take this - TopicsExpress


In response to Jack Fowlers recent hate fest. I want to take this opportunity to clear the air for all of you riding the Jack Fowler band wagon. Jacks photography was brought in by a representative. (A good friend of mine and Jacks) Jack was obviously unprepared for any artistic showing. He came in to look at the wall with the representative prior to hanging his art. When jack came in to hang his art it was not ready. they had no hangers on them. Instead of using frames and frame hanging material, Jack used yarn and duct tape(which he borrowed from Caliber Bistro). His photos fell to the floor as he was hanging them. knowing that , he didnt bother to call or come by and check on them. What kind of professional artist uses yarn to hang his work which is for sale at a price of $300 plus. We notified the rep and she picked the art and placed it in a closet and was to contact Jack. Jack admitted in his post that he had no contract. Jack Fowler came in weeks later presumably to rehang his art in a more professional manner. It was at this point Jack noticed the damage to his print. After many discussions with the rep involved, Jack went on a hate crusade in social media. He did not report all the facts. This was not fair to my restaurant, my employees and to all the people taking Jacks side on this. We are new to hanging artist work on our wall. We had no contract. If his art was stolen or damaged by Caliber or any of our customers or employees, I would have been happy to make restitution. Jack Fowler was the victim of his own doing. He failed to hang HIS art in a professional manner. The only one he has to blame is himself. I am a small local business myself and I and my employees do not deserve the tirade of bad publicity that Jack and his followers have put us through. We are not getting rich here, just trying to make a living doing something we love as well. Being new to the business world myself I have made mistakes that I have had to pay for. I try to learn from my mistakes and do better next time, not rally friends to take down local business. #JackFowler
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 00:19:08 +0000

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