In response to Sharons bashing of Pamelas email: Allow me to - TopicsExpress


In response to Sharons bashing of Pamelas email: Allow me to introduce myself, Sharon. Im the woman whose reputation you and the people at this facility are now attempting to smear. The redacted e-mail that was posted on Facebook was not posted by me. I merely wrote to someone who was interested in my dealings with the BCARL and Verna in the hope that someone in Belmont County will work to improve the deplorable conditions perpetrated at this facility. I have had no personal interest or involvement in Verna or any other staff member except as related in my e-mail. If Belmont County residents feel this is the best they can expect from their money, then I am heartily glad I dont live there. If you feel that giving more money to people who are so obviously incapable of running a county shelter is somehow going to magically make things better, then by all means, foolishly empty your own bank account. You will kindly refrain from the libelous and personal accusation that I am a lying, cold-hearted animal hater who just doesnt care as much as you because I refuse to follow people like you down that rabbit hole. Im not sure which one of the multiple skinny dogs the facility is now referring to, since during my visit on Nov. 14th I saw neither hide nor hair of the dog I mentioned (and I looked). This may, in part, be my fault as I used simplistic terms a child could understand when describing this dog. What I meant to say was that the dog was emaciated. I didnt have to feel the dogs ribs, I could count them and the vertebrae by sight from 20 feet away. The emaciated state of the dog is what first drew my attention to it. She was by far the worst in the yard, but not the only one. The only medical issue that would cause such wide-spread loss of weight is lack of food. I would love to know if your sources would divulge why this dog, after months since I saw her, is still so skinny as to require recent vet attention for her weight and why simply feeding her twice a day suddenly fixes a medical issue. Why was she allowed to become so malnourished while in the care of BCARL? Why was it allowed to continue for so long before getting medical care? Or do we have yet another malnourished dog under the care BCARL? Lets not check on that or hold anyone accountable. We dont want to hurt feelings, now, do we? Well just hope it gets better. As regarding the dog named Harley: Verna did not call me. I doubt she has sudden changes in tone or cadence, or that she has ever been described as bubbly. Someone lied to you, Sharon. Let me guess who it was? Nevermind, anyone who so blatantly lies to you that much has probably been doing it for a long time with little protest or notice. The phone call could not have been to inform me of approval to adopt the dog Harley as I NEVER FILLED OUT AN ADOPTION FORM. My offer to foster was refused point-blank, so there was no need for me to share my private information. I never said that I wouldnt pay the adoption fee because the dog would be dead in a year, what I said was, Im not interested in adopting a dog and I have no intention of paying $125 for a dog that will be dead in 3 months. (time frame per Verna and the Woman with Dyed Hair (WWDH)). In other words, I neither appreciate nor submit to emotional extortion. Maybe you do and it makes you feel morally superior. If so, then have at. It is obviously a well-practiced technique at BCARL. I will, however, pay $125 for a dog that has a chance at life and for which I wish to make a permanent addition to my home at one of the many regional shelters, but thats because Im not a hypocrite spending the money of others. The WWDH also informed me that Harley had been taken to TWO vets, both of which said that the tumor was too big to operate and the dog should be euthanized IMMEDIATELY. The WWDH told me that Verna just loved the dog so much and since the dog wasnt in obvious pain, she (Verna) wouldnt euthanize the dog. Since she is unadoptable (which really means no one in their right mind would pay for a dying dog when there are so many others who need help) and wont ever be euthanized, one can only surmise this means that Verna is more than willing to euthanize a perfectly healthy dog instead. So which one of us is the cold-hearted animal hater? If you are telling us that an advanced tumor of a size that elicits from two veterinarians the recommendation of immediate euthanasia was missed before a spay surgery, you guys have some other problems in that county or there should be a couple of very angry vets out there right now. Of course, maybe I was lied to...No, that didnt happen to me, did it? I felt sorry for Harley, and I still do. I offered a solution that was amenable to myself and, in a sane world, should be to the facility that is caring for her. Intelligent people understand why this is a win-win situation for all parties (except for me who would have been saddled with all the care, work, heartache, and financial obligations). The issue is management. BCARL would not have lost $125 if Harley went into foster nor will it ever recoup the precious little they have invested in her because she is not adoptable. Since Verna is unwilling to euthanize this dog, allowing Harley to go into foster relieves the shelter of the monetary and labor expenses of keeping her while opening up a much needed spot for an adoptable dog, thereby saving another dogs life that will, by necessity, have to be killed in order to keep Harley there. Are you seriously telling the entire FB world & the Ohio Valley that you think Im at fault for not succumbing to such blatant emotional extortion as you have admitted you do? If so, you must think everyone in the area is a world-class fool. I would love to see proof to the contrary regarding the vaccination and spay/neuter policies, because I believe what Verna told me. Records, madam. Lets see them - ALL of them. I dont want to see the few of Vernas favorites that were done properly. I want to see verifiable proof that what you claim is actually practiced policy over a long term, including the supposed spay of Harley one month ago. You have a chance to prove once and for all that I wasnt lied to by the senior staff. Verifiable proof, lets see it. I want to see the records of the infected husky as well. How long has she actually been at this facility? How is it that a dog with such massive infections is left out in the cold, wet weather? Why does a young, otherwise healthy dog have immune deficiency? Immune deficiencies arent treated with antibiotics - massive bacterial infections allowed to fester are. That dog has been to the vet twice (per WWDH). How is this supposed immune deficiency being treated? Is cold, wet weather going to suddenly make her immune sufficient? What kind of animal lover would approve of leaving any dog on a cold, hard patch of cement, let alone outside in the wet and cold, when they have such a terrible infection raging inside them? What kind of animal lover wouldnt want to see that poor dog in a foster home while she recovers and awaits permanent adoption? Oh, thats right. The kind who, my opinion only, think they are smarter and morally superior to everyone else, but who actually arent any better than the sock fuzz clinging to my big toe. You have leveled quite a number of other accusations against my person. You call me a liar, then admit the facility is in deplorable conditions. You accuse me of making personal accusations. I am making professional accusations against a person who should be held accountable because she (Verna) is the one who is responsible. Thats the price for being in charge. There is a big difference. You, Sharon, are the one who has made personal accusations against me. You have no idea the amount of time, money, and goods I donate to various shelters, how kind I am, or in what esteem my friends and colleagues hold me. I dont use my good deeds to feed my social ego. Unlike you, I understand that not everyone can be as involved in rescue work as much as I and I dont belittle their efforts in the selfish and vain attempt to make myself feel morally superior - even if I know for a fact how much they do or do not contribute, which you obviously dont in this case. I never accused Verna of being a hoarder. Im sorry comprehending what I wrote seems so difficult for you, Sharon. I clearly stated what I felt was Vernas behavior and the consequences of it. Like hoarders, abusers, and drug addicts, I dont assist this kind of retrograde behavior with money, time, or materials because it only enables them to both continue with and expand their bad behavior. If you think being an enabler makes one morally superior, youve got another thing coming. So long as this facility is allowed to continue to be run in such a deplorable manner, it wont see so much as a used fast food napkin from the floor of my car accidentally dropped off in the parking lot from the bottom of my shoe. They will, however, probably see me again in the future. So, for all of you trying to keep score, lets re-cap what weve learned: 1) A dog is unadoptable (per Verna) - No one is willing to pay the fee to adopt the dog for various, sane reasons. (per Verna) - the dog has cancer and heart worms and will die in 3 months (per Verna & WWDH) - If not now, she will be incontinent. (per my experience) - If not now, she will be in pain.(per my experience) - The dog requires daily medication & special care (per Verna & WWDH), most of which is probably very expensive.(per my experience) - For at least a month, no one has expressed interest in adopting this dog. (per Verna & WWDH) - Other dogs have probably been euthanized instead. (per other reports - lets see records to the contrary) - Out of mercy and the kindness of her heart, a person has offered to take a dying dog into her home on behalf of the facility thereby relieving their burden and making room for adoptable dogs. - This kind person is summarily and rudely refused, mocked, & insulted, then her honor & integrity are attacked by an unknown entity to the events in a hit posting designed to deflect the criticism, rightly being bestowed by others, upon such a poorly run facility. 2) Verna is willing to euthanized dogs that arent her favorite in favor of ones she likes. (per Verna) 3) Verna is completely unwilling to work with national rescue groups, even though those groups pay all fees and handle all transfers.(per my experience and as others have stated) 4) Sharon admits that Harleys sale price is emotional extortion in order to secure extra funds for a publicly funded charitable organization which claims on their web site that all care at the shelter is already fully funded since she herself is unwilling to put up the money so that Harley can go to immediate foster. She is more than happy to elicit other peoples money & resources for the care/adoption of Harley by attempting to foster guilt and public shame on the only individual she knows who was willing to take this dog in to her comfortable home. 5) Sharon must have easily impressed friends. 6) Sharon has successfully helped establish that a number of BCARL senior staff are unrepentant, serial liars since we now have at least 3 different stories for at least 2 different dogs. 7) Sharon has admitted that she has seen Vernas property filled with animals of all kinds, so many that it requires acres and acres, simply because Verna loves them all, there arent enough good homes, and she cant bear to see any put down. - Many, if not most, animal hoarders become so because they are just really loving and kind people who cant bear to see any animal euthanized and are surrounded by enablers who constantly make excuses for them. They also become manipulative, controlling people who often lie and think they are better care-givers than everyone else despite the facts. Im sure Verna doesnt fit that description at all. Oh, wait...what was that about acres and acres Sharon? Sharon has established that in order to be treated with a modicum of respect at this facility, one must first be referred to the facility by an VIP (Lets play follow the money and brown nose shall we?). 7) Sharon has confirmed common knowledge that most companies and individuals making large donations do so for public relations and never see where their money is going nor care as long as everyone likes them for it. Maybe Sharon would be willing to provide a list of these donators so others can inform them of what is going on and let them decide for themselves how they feel about it. Sharon thinks the best way to address these concerns and accusations is not to provide ample proof to the contrary in the form of vet, adoptions, and financial records, but instead to embark on a smear campaign against a wholly innocent person, not on FB at the time, who merely recounted her experiences to another via e-mail, in the effort to divert attention from her friends at BCARL. 9) Sharon thinks it is socially and morally acceptable to dehumanize me, deny my existence, my feelings, and my thoughts with personal insults and by using quotes around my name, thereby implying I dont exist even though she has confirmed that I was, in fact, at the facility inquiring about Harley . Hows it feel to be treated like someones mental construct Sharon? Not very nice, is it? 10) Sharon, here is me praising myself: YO, baby! I am the awesome-est person EVAH! I am so awesome, there is a picture of me next to the words awesome AND spectacular in the Oxford dictionary! Thats right! Im A-W-E-S-O-M-E. See the difference now? 11) Pamelas threshold for tolerating repeated lies from lying liars: 5. Thats getting pretty good for me. It used to only be once. Im maturing a bit. (a-hem, Sharon: That was me praising myself, too. Just thought youd want to know.) 12) Pamela is such a non-interested party in the inner workings of BCARL that she still doesnt know Vernas last name, her official title, or what Sharons relationship is to the management, which means her comments, criticisms, and thoughts regarding the situation are free of any personal and/or social prejudices and simply the recitation of first hand experience. So, who is looking like the small, mean person with an ax to grind, Sharon? I think you gave some really good advice: quit praising yourself and find a way to help. Maybe you can start with an apology to me and move onto not supporting the insupportable.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:51:04 +0000

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