In response to a request from one of our Painting Companions - - TopicsExpress


In response to a request from one of our Painting Companions - available from #artworkshopwithpaul on #vimeo - this boxed-set - Acrylics using Watercolour Technique - ‘Out and About with Paul’ - Big Burn Walks – Part 3 TECHNIQUE & MEDIUM - in this start-to-finish tutorial, filmed in real-time, Artist and Author Paul Taggart demonstrates watercolour techniques exploited for use in acrylics. AS SUCH THIS TUTORIAL WOULD THEREFORE PROVE SUITABLE FOR WATERCOLOURS. As with all of Paul Taggart’s tutorials, this DEDICATED STEP-BY-STEP IS FILMED IN REAL-TIME – no editing, no time-lapse – PACKED FULL OF HANDY HINTS, TIPS, TECHNIQUES and so MUCH MORE ………… As the layering technique used here is one of working from light to dark – the typical watercolour technique – colour mixes become stronger as do linear qualities – BUT NEVERTHELESS Paul takes care not to become too strong too quickly – he is WORKING GRADUALLY THROUGH THE LIGHTS AND DARKS. Part 3 – Paul continues to work on the painting at his easel in the studio; firstly turning his attention once more to the rocks that are strewn across the floor of the gorge; where he is keen to strengthen the qualities of lights and darks, for as you will hear Paul say “… to create light, you have to have darks…” These rocks are dealt with individually and in clumps so that Paul can apply the colour and then swiftly ‘lose’ appropriate strokes to effect the light and shade, along with volume and form. THIS IS AN OBJECT LESSON IN PAINTING ROCKS and the BENEFITS OF SURFACE COLOUR MIXING. Being satisfied that he has strengthened this section up to act as a foil against which the water will sparkle, when worked on again, Paul now moves back up to the top of the painting (in effect the distant reaches of the composition). The effect of strong sunlight is now introduced into this forested area, where it not only strikes through the tree canopies, but also where it shines through translucent leaves. Bright greens and dark accents play their part – as do brush-strokes, scuffs and scumbles – exploitation of brush and colour mixes coming into their own; as Paul brings this section to life. FINALLY Paul completes the first half of this episode by turning his attention to the distant rocks that edge the river – an invaluable boundary that draws the viewers eye onwards and out of the picture. FOR THE SECOND HALF OF THIS EPISODE – YOU WILL SEE THE RIVER SPARKLE INTO LIFE as reflections into its surface and depths are brought into play. Firstly Paul deals with the reflected trees, those bright green clumps glistening in the sunlight and the darker forested areas – now you will see ripples across the water’s surface come to life. The first hints of stones and rocks submerged beneath the river surface come into view, as do the reflections of boulders and rocks sitting out of the water YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT mixing coloured greys and specific colours; directional brushstrokes and the art of losing edges; exploiting differing pressures on your brush to achieve a variety of strokes and densities of applied colour; working with thin mixes in acrylics; achieving sunlight in a landscape and much, much more – for as with all of Paul’s demonstrations and running commentaries, nothing is withheld. THIS ‘Out and About’ IS AN OBJECT LESSON IN THE IMPORTANCE OF MAKING THUMBNAILS and TAKING REFERENCE PHOTOGRAPHS whilst painting in situ – crucial in enabling the completion of this painting in the studio. SUBJECT – chosen for its compositional content of ROCKFACES/STONES/BOULDERS, MOVING WATER, REFLECTIVE SURFACES, one of many BRIDGES that span the ‘big burn’ and the SCULPTURAL QUALITIES OF COLOURFUL VEGETATION AND LICHENS/MOSSES; not to mention the FAST-CHANGING LIGHT CONDITIONS, STRONG DARKS AND LIGHTS, PERSPECTIVE AND VANISHING POINTS; Paul set up his easel at the bottom of a gorge in the Eastern Highlands of Scotland, known as the Big Burn Walks, outside the Sutherland village of Golspie. We hope you enjoy the vagaries of painting and filming this ‘Out and About with Paul’ in its early stages (Parts 1 & 2) – as both Eileen and Paul were stopped by passing visitors, who were intrigued to discover our presence, whilst enjoying their visit to this most popular of places to see on any tourist trip to the Northern Highlands of Scotland. See also this complete boxed-set ‘Learn to Enjoy Painting in Acrylics with Paul Taggart [Series 1] – click here - vimeo/ondemand/artworkshopwithpaulacrylics1
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 23:35:32 +0000

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