In response to email sent out today by Virginia Division President - TopicsExpress


In response to email sent out today by Virginia Division President Suzie Snyder, my response is such.. I will not and am not apologizing for my content, only for grammatical errors. I am a passionate believer in my Confederate lineage, and my Southern history and culture. I will never apologize for defending it, my rights to talk about it, discuss it, and help educate those who are ignorant of the truth of our history and the truth of reconstruction on the South. If you dont like what my opinion is, I dont care. As far as Im concerned if you dont like the South, there are many other states to the north and west to go to.. If you are here and choose to stay, then deal with the fact that we like our home, its history, culture, and be respectful. Dear Madam President and other fellow members. I will not be sending renewing my dues this year as a member of the UDC. Due to the UDC’s increasingly politically correct ways of bowing down to the continued reconstruction of our Southern Heritage, history, culture and it’s failure to stand and fight against it, has led me to no longer want my name on a membership belonging to such a group. Your ancestors would be ashamed of you and so I am with a sad heart but head held high am resigning my membership. I do not have to be a United Daughters of the Confederacy member to keep my lineage near and dear, remembered, appreciated, respected, and shared. The UDC is dying to the UDC’s sad past for being known as “snooty”, difficult to work with, hard to change, stuck in the old ways, push overs, and willing to play nice with the likes of those who would rather squash us and and our heritage instead of standing steadfast and strong against our own cultural and historical genocide. Some now see is it really worth the effort to join the UDC.. No one, will tell me that I cannot speak my peace about the outrages done on my heritage, history, culture. I would only be so proud to wear my ribbon and shake my fists at those Damn Yankee carpetbaggers to are still invading.. It is my wish and hope for the UDC to forgo their nansy, pansy, red hat wearing, going out for brunch do nothings to get some GUTS and stand up for their heritage, history, and culture. Because like it or not ladies we are under cultural genocide and it won’t be much longer that to say the word Confederate, Dixie, Rebel, etc., will be outlawed and become hate speech and a jailed offense.. God Bless Ladies and good luck with your membership, Kristin Keiser Dorsey, proud descendant of Confederate soldier, George Franklin Keiser
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 05:06:12 +0000

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