In response to many in America, whom believe that the poor should - TopicsExpress


In response to many in America, whom believe that the poor should not be given assistance and that those within our society who do not or are in effect unable to work, either do to any physical or mental impediment...Or even perhaps for the simple reason that they are not bale to locate or to obtain work as simply parasitic elements within our society which should not be helped or assisted financially or with food and other necessities.....And hold the view that if you do not contribute to the collective well being of society that you than do not deserve to be helped or even to exist etc....I have some words of caution....This diabolical mind set/ infectious disses and monstrosity has been very covertly and subvertly embedded in to the subconsciousness of the American people by the wealthy Corporate elite, in forwarding their agenda which the subjugation/enslavement and ultimately the elimination of the poorer members of society....The root of this evil agenda is by no means a modern or new phenomena....on the contrary...The root of such vial mind set was in fact first contrived by none other than the father and founder of Marxism...Karl Marx himself..Please read the following statement made by Marx, to that effect: The new order brings to an end the parasitic situation existing under capitalism, where the few who dont work are supported by the many who do. Everyone works in communism. Those who dont work dont eat: Apart from surpluslabor for those who on account of age are not yet, or not longer able to take part in production, all labor to support those who do not work would cease.17 The freedom to choose ones work is not affected, as some critics assert; just the privilege of choosing not to work is abolished. With everyone working, productive labor ceases to be a class attribute, allowing Marx to claim that communism recognizes no class differences because everyone is a worker like everyone else...... -Karl Marx- Marxs views on this matter was than forwarded by the notorious Socialist and one of the most prominent members of the notorious Socialist organizations the Fabian society...Mr. Bernard Shaw...Only recently in turn Mr. Shaw and Marxs view point was picked up and championed by someone whom many within the Conservative world believe to be a champion of American Conservatism our very own Mr. Glenn Beck, who him self quoting both Marx and Bernard Shaw, stated the following comment: You must all know half a dozen people at least who are no use in this world, who are more trouble than they are worth. Just put them there and say Sir, or Madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence? If you can’t justify your existence, if you’re not pulling your weight, and since you won’t, if you’re not producing as much as you consume or perhaps a little more, then, clearly, we cannot use the organizations of our society for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself . -Glenn Beck- So---With regards to the statements made by Marx, Bernard Shaw and Mr. Beck ... where they have clearly stated, that basically if you dont have money, if you are poor or if you are disabled and unable to work etc. or lets just come out and just say it shall we!...if you are unwilling to work or make any contribution to the society of which you are living therefore have no right or reason to live or exist!?....First off just for one moment lets not address the fact that GOD! made man..and that he made all of us rich or poor...Hard workers or lazy...And while we are on the subject...Lets not forget that when our Lord Jesus Christ willingly gave his life on the Cross...he did not do so only for those of us who work....or only for the rich..or only those of us who contribute to society!....NO SIR, HE DID SO FOR ALL MANKIND! lets just for one moment forget about all of that...and let us address the many individuals in our society who fancy and believe them selves to be devout and hard core patriots and Conservatives who may harbor such viewpoints as expressed by Mr. Beck, and other self proclaimed Conservatives etc.... lets refer to our countrys declaration of independents...where it clearly states that: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. -United States Constitution There you have it... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are.. LIFE... Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness....and now lets take a look at the Bible, and see what God, has to say on the matter: (John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9). Every person is a unique creation of His, and He loves each one (Proverbs 22:2). “Rich and poor have this in common: / The LORD is the Maker of them all” So in light of what has been stated in both our countries document and the words of our Lord God, in the MEN!...have a unconditional and unquestionable right to...LIFE!...regardless of there economical standing, or their contributions to society.....therefore, anyone whom advocates the viewpoint expressed by Marx, Bernard Shaw and Mr. Beck...Are not only to be anti American, but also in direct violation of the commandment of our Lord-God, as stated in the holly scriptures....So....Word of caution folks...Next time you see a person who is down on his or her luck and from desperation has been forced to seek welfare assistance or for whatever reason is not able to work etc....Just remember this....When you mock, ridicule or attack them in any way and judge them as parasitic or sponges of society without first knowing or understanding their life circumstances...You are in fact facing the very serious possibility of forwarding an anti American...Anti Christian and pro-Socialist agenda and initiative....So the nest time see see a member of the impoverished citizenry..Instead of ridicule or mocking them...Pray for them and ask God to either help them if they are in need or to punish them if they are falsely abusing societies recourses...But whatever you do be careful that you do not assist or contribute in forwarding the satanic/evil and vial objective of the Socialist/Corporate elite.....MAY GOD BLESS HUMANITY AND MAY HE BLESS THE COMMON MAN...AMEN!. -Darius Radmanesh
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:59:08 +0000

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