In response to smart and reasonable comments by a pro-OLFer at the - TopicsExpress


In response to smart and reasonable comments by a pro-OLFer at the COER blog regarding the folly of COERs hyperbolic and selfish statements about the increase in FCLPs out of OLF Coupeville, COER writes: When economics takes precedence over the physical and mental health of the residents of central Whidbey will be sad times. If you tell us that a job is more important than the health of citizens, I fear for our country. Many of us are tired of being collateral damage. Is the job of one person more important than the very health and well being of another? We do NOT dispute the fact of the necessary training of our crews, just where they train! We want the Growlers to move! You would rather we are hurt and maimed? The minority? Is the harming or death of even ONE person not more important than any job? You apparently feel it’s OK to hurt people just to protect your job? -- If you tell us that a job is more important than the health of citizens, I fear for our country. Please provide proof of your continued and dubious claims that jet noise harms the health of citizens, COER. Oh, wait...youve already been asked to do this numerous times. You even had medical experts look at your claims. What was the result? Bupkes. Nada. Zilch. Nothing. Why? Because your claims are bogus - even the medical experts you hired werent able to prove these claims. But the true litmus test is this: with all the lawyers you have in COERs leadership and membership, you would think there would have been at least one lawsuit filed over damage to health due to jet noise, right? Yeah... considering the fact that there hasnt been even one lawsuit filed since the 1960s (when FMLPs/FCLPs began at OLF Coupeville) - that tells the real story: there is no basis in fact to support your claims and outright lies regarding jet noise. -- We do NOT dispute the fact of the necessary training of our crews, just where they train! We want the Growlers to move! We know. You dispute flying out of OLF Coupeville because its in your backyard. You disuputed flying out of Ault Field when you suckered folks in Port Townsend and the San Juan Islands into supporting your cause. The fact is you dont like the Navy being on Whidbey Island at all and want to see them gone. Which would mean a minimum of 66% of the Islands economy going into the toilet (some say its up to 88%). You dont care about the people of Island County, Whidbey Island, or Ebeys Reserve. You only care about increasing your property values, gentrification, power, control, your bank accounts, and winning. All of that makes every COER leader and member nothing less than selfish. Which makes you uncaring, despicable human beings, in my book. And just for the record, when you say our crews - heres a newsflash: they arent *your* crews at all. They belong to appreciative, supportive, unselfish Americans. COER possesses none of those attributes. They will still fight for your freedoms, but dont even consider claiming them to be yours. That right is reserved for Americans who know and appreciate why they still have the freedoms outlined in our Nations founding documents. -- You would rather we are hurt and maimed? No one is being hurt and maimed by the Growlers or the United States Navys presence on Whidbey Island. Lie much? -- The minority? Yes. The minority. Look up COER in the dictionary and next to it you will see a two-word definition: The minority. Get used to it - your numbers continue to dwindle. -- Is the harming or death of even ONE person Stop. Just STOP. No one is being harmed by FCLPs on Whidbey, no one is dying because of FCLPs Whidbey. If, however, your campaign of fake fear and definite hatred succeeds, people will die (from lack of training) and people will be harmed (from lack of viable economy on Whidbey Island). But you dont care - as long as you get what you want, you couldnt care less for those affected by removal of the Growler squadrons from NAS Whidbey Island. Considering such, who is the real enemy? -- You apparently feel it’s OK to hurt people just to protect your job? You apparently feel its OK to hurt people just to line your pockets and fill your bank accounts? Dont bother answering, Mike/Ken/Paula - we already know the answer.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 21:27:15 +0000

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