In response to the Smithsonian Museum trying to obtain Trayvon - TopicsExpress


In response to the Smithsonian Museum trying to obtain Trayvon Martin’s hoodie…so it can be a “historic reminder of America’s racist past, as well as the current racism problem in America today’ as reported on MSNBC. The Smithsonian Museum wants to change history…not record it…for the Historic fact is that a lawful trial confirmed that ‘race’ or ‘racism’ had nothing to do with the death of Trayvon Martin…to the contrary to only evidence of ‘racism’ was the words of Trayvon who called Zimmerman a Crazy ass Cracker. Race had nothing to do with the death of Trayvon…but race had everything to do with the arrest and trial of George Zimmerman…by the President himself…who attempted to corrupt the American Justice system by interjecting Politics into the Judicial system, and by making ‘race’ into Political warfare…and now the Smithsonian wants to set up a display claiming that the hoodie of Trayvon is evidence of racism in America today…when that is simply a lie…to try to change history…and make it seem legitimate their false accusations of America as being plagued by racism. Maybe they could include the bloody glove of O.J. Simpson in the ‘Racism in America’ display…showing how a ‘Racist’ judicial system allowed a Black man to get away with the murder of a White couple, simply because of the color of his well as other displays revealing the ‘racism’ that exists in America is the ‘preferences given to a particular race in education, employment, and advancement’ and how another skin color is discriminated against…all in the name of ‘equality’ and ‘Justice’…Affirmative Action…and you could include a portrait of Obama that would show just how racist America is to elect a Black man whose only experience is that of a community organizer…and who would have never become President of the United States had his skin been White. Maybe they could include the picture of Rev. Al Sharpton marching in the streets with Public Enemy, whose logo is a Police Officer with crosshairs on him…claiming that America is racist, defending the lie of Tiwanna Brawley who claimed White Police officers raped and wrote racist slurs on her with their feces…all a lie, and Al Sharpton knew it, yet marched in the streets, making the same false accusations of racism…when Al Sharpton’s own words reveal that it is he who is the racist, the Black Supremist…and my favorite quote of his is…”Just because you’re Black don’t mean that your one of us” These false accusations of ‘racism’ never have consequences…no apologies for being wrong, for their false accusations…yet the damage done to the society and cohesion of the community demands that justice should be done to prevent others in the future from committing the same crime of inciting hatred and division towards another race because of lies…or as the Commandments of God said, Thou Shalt not bear a false witness…and this crime of inciting hatred towards others who are innocent is a crime…against God and man. A museum should record the actual history of an event…not the wishful thinking of a few Black Supremist…and Trayvon’s hoodie has nothing to do with Racism…and to display it as such, contrary to official and lawful Court rulings is to declare the ruling as wrong and justice denied…which is not truth.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 22:15:11 +0000

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