[ In response to the report, Obama acknowledged that torture had - TopicsExpress


[ In response to the report, Obama acknowledged that torture had been counterproductive and contrary to American values. No nation is perfect, he said. But one of the strengths that makes America exceptional is our willingness to openly confront our past, face our imperfections, make changes and do better. ] If doing better means no prosecution to law breakers--particularly as important as human rights violation--I would like the presidents views to doing worse? This is outrageous coming from a law professor from Harvard University and an expert in constitution. What make letting criminals go unprosecuted much better than bring them to the proper justice? Isnt this backward thinking and just as injustice as the criminals that perpetrated it in the first place? Its tyranny at our face and we are allowing these people to run our government this way in our name. Its so un-American and doesnt reconcile to our values as an American. These are the same people that is driving America into Globalize-nation. America will never rise to be the global leader; when this is how they are defining their role in the race to be the world leader. It take more strength and genuine leadership to do what is RIGHT than to accept imperfection to legitimize any form of inaction towards doing what IS universally accepted as the RIGHT action to take. Its a cowards excuse to not do what is challenging and most importantly doing what is humanly RIGHT. If WE have people like this running our government and making decision (wrong decisions, like in this case) in our NAME, then our country USA has a bigger problem than what is being uncovered on the surface. Worse than a coup de tat, worse than deception, worst than anything, because they can do just about anything they wish to their own people (the American People). They are ripping us apart as they distract us with entertainment, worldly excesses, and doing torture and violating our constitution during this times. NSA CIA, FBI, DHS,.....GOD only knows what else is going on behind those white house curtains and the justices black robe. No wonder hatred against Americans are increasing. Its the government and only all about the elite people they report to and nothing really about the ordinary AMERICAN people or the ordinary people of the WORLD. Isnt it? Tell me I am wrong and indulge me, if you think Obamas reaction to this report is acceptable.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 06:21:25 +0000

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