In response to this comment: Joe Biden 2016! This is my - TopicsExpress


In response to this comment: Joe Biden 2016! This is my reply: . Well, my own idea is that Joe Biden should put all his political weight behind promoting the career of his prodigious son, Beau Biden. Even with the magnificent head start of being Vice President for over five years, Joe Biden has made absolutely no headway as a Presidential contender with any gravitas or any serious chance at becoming President, whatsoever - the first time thats happened with respect to any Vice President of the Democratic party, since the war hero (and appalling politician) Richard M. Johnson was Vice President. Even if Vice President Biden seriously intends to follow through on his fourteen-month old promise to Dana Siegelman to do something to help the wrongfully convicted former Governor of Alabama, the way he has gone about fulfilling this promise (if he ever gets around to it) really deflates any credit that would have been due to the sitting Vice President. . ************************************** (Thus ends my comment on the Clemency for Don Siegelman International Solidarity page). . I know that the Administration we have in Washington is not very appreciative of or kind toward the truth, but that is the truth, and the sooner our dear Vice President accommodates himself to this truth, the better off he will be. But there is more; and as Ben Franklin informs us, it is a lot easier to listen to inconvenient truths now, than to refuse to listen now and to feel those truths nipping at the heels later on. . Vice President Biden is a very intelligent man who has become an insulated man. He is surrounded with self- promoters who protect him from the true balance of public opinion; instead preferring to festoon him with their own slant. Any attempt by Mr. Biden to run for President in 2016 would be disastrous for him; because the only result would be that he would become a lightning-rod for every political thunderclap to have hit this failed Obama Administration. The Obama Administration is not to be properly chided about the fake stuff - the birth certificate issue, the ridiculous rumors, the religious nitpicking, the false insinuations about the Presidents background, or the truly detached issues cited against the Administration from dangerous vapor trails normally left by aircraft, or supposed plans to depopulate the country. Im talking about the REAL stuff: the deliberate, horrifying destruction of civil liberties; the blatant and unjustified deceit, the toleration of corruption in high places; the extreme levels of hypocrisy, the aiding and abetting of corruption even by criminals in the opposition party; the cloisteredness driven by hypersecurity paranoia continued from the past Administration and made much worse; the worst credit rating in the history of the Republic; the scuttling of the lives, fortunes and sacred honor of up to tens of thousands of innocent Americans who have been wrongfully convicted and then knowingly cast adrift by this Administration; the most degraded level of respect for the United States in the history of American diplomacy; the continued pillaging and eviction of homeowners in distress, the looting of the American people on an unprecedented scale in order to fund both private greed and political agenda nonsense; the attempt to photo-op EVERYTHING into lets pat ourselves on the back status; the tragic failure to close and deactivate wholly unnecessary categories of Government spending which are both unjustified and dangerous in the short term and in the long term; the mono-opinionated ideology being pushed and railroaded through the bureaucracy and through the media to the extent that nothing else is permitted to be heard or expressed; the laissez-faire management of Government to the exclusion of serious accountability; and the characteristic overreliance of this Administration on inexpert, inexperienced and uncaring mid-level and lower-level operatives whose main penchant is - once again - for hebephrenic hypersecurity. . Every other country on the planet has repudiated the Obama-Biden administration. The response of this Administration has been to view this phenomenon through its own warped angle of continually trying to promote its own worst errors (including Obamas long, rambling statement of a tripwire health care law which in any normal environment in a truly free country would be headed only toward back-to-the-drawing-board status). . The Administration blames Edward Snowden for its poor, put-upon misfortunes. Awwwww! Then it tries to orchestrate a campaign of pathetic spin to demonize Snowden. Nice try. Again, President Obama wins the silver medal; because he listens to the wrong people. And Obama never fires people who have given him bad advice, except in a way which is too little, too late, and too bashful. . Blaming Edward Snowden for this snowjob in Washington is just like blaming the snow-shovel for the snowstorm! . If Daniel Ellsberg hadnt come along to release the dark secrets of the Nixon Administration, SOMEONE ELSE WOULD HAVE, sooner or later. The same is true of Snowden, who deserves a Congressional Medal of Honor for his display of personal integrity and fearlessness in maintaining his principles and patriotism in surroundings which were rife with treason and self-deceit. . President Obama should be heeding all of the advice in this petition: . Instead, his Administration has throttled this petition, and has developed an obnoxious and cowardly habit of rabid, morbidly obsessive petition-throttling; and so has every other corrupt local tinpot dictatorship in America, from one end of the country to the other. . We have never had miniature tinpot Fascist dictatorships flourishing OPENLY in America, in defiance of our Constitution, on this scale and on this widespread and uncontested basis. Tom Corbett, in Pennsylvania; dozens of judges at all levels in all parts of our nation, the miasmic swamp of misrule in Florida, and even the awful mess in the corrupt US Department of Justice are all examples of rebellious warlords with their own power base. Instead of the muzzles of armed troops insubordinately marching around, their weaponry are the mouses of computer programmers and hackers; and they are more dangerous than the old-style armies of warlords; more insubordinate than the organized rebels of China in the 1920s were to the central authority of the Kuomintang and the Republic; more dangerous to their own people than the recent assortment of guerilla armies throughout central and western Africa are to their own nations. . According to the clock of history, America is overdue for a revolution. But the behavior of our elected and appointed officials is tempting one too. We are supposed to have revolutions at the ballot box, not in the streets. But we cannot overthrow corruption and anti-Constitutional dictatorship with our votes, when both parties are highly complicit with each others worst features of wrongdoing and coyly misleading deceit, as a matter of habit. Both the Republicans and the Democrats should be at each others throats in a healthy oppositional and functioning framework of democracy. Instead, both parties have joined with each other to attack the vital interests of the American people, in a horrible bipartisan monolith which is a mockery of democracy. . H. Ross Perot complained about gridlock in Washington. This Administration complains about Congress obstructing everything in its agenda. . No. We NEED gridlock in Washington. It is the only way business should get done in Congress. We are not a rubber-stamp dictatorship in America. . The Establishment jumps all over Ron Paul and repeatedly slams his principled notions of government as crazy. And that kind of talk is nothing but a phony, orchestrated campaign of attack politics. When you cant oppose hard facts and ideas that make sense, use slur words and bullying to maintain the status quo of power politics. It always works, right? If any or all of Ron Pauls programs or proposals are crazy, then crazy is the only thing that can save this country from the stolid, sanctimonious sanity of its own politically correct tunnel-vision which is guiding us straight into a ditch - and a very large number of Americans have already been pushed into the mud by our own Government. . Our public officials are increasingly aloof, insulated, liberophobic, flanked by overgrown detail, misanthropic (except for the political inner circle, the contributors, the lobbyists, and the police-state apparatchiks) and guided by the experts (who were put in their place by John F. Kennedy following the Bay of Pigs invasion). They cite all sorts of non-problems, or they exaggerate situations, to push solutions we dont need, and they have repeatedly failed to reciprocate our cogent advice as to what IS needed, by replying with the most arrant verbiage or with a contemptuous Berlin Wall of silence and censorship, of manipulation and embarrassing political spin; rather than entertaining our discourse in a dignified and timely manner; in a way which might preserve lives, property and the public good. For a government which lives up to the Oath of Office, we, the people of the United States, have waited in vain. . Mr. President, tear down that wall. . Scott Davis Chairman Committee of 37 Peace Initiative PO Box 877 Edgmont, PA 19028-0877
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 17:14:14 +0000

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