In search of knowledge... The Imaam of the tabieen, Sa’eed - TopicsExpress


In search of knowledge... The Imaam of the tabieen, Sa’eed bin al-Mussayib rahimahullaah said ”I would travel days and nights in search of ONE single hadeeth” [Jaami’ul Bayaan al-‘ilm wa fadhlihi volume 1 page 188] Al-Imaam Aboo Haatim rahimahullaah said I was 20 years of age when I travelled ON FOOT from Bahrain to Egypt and from Egypt to Palestine and from Palestine to Syria in pursuit of knowledge. [at-Tadhkirah v. 2 p. 105] Whoever goes down a path/road searching for knowledge, Allaah will make it easy for him the road to Paradise. [Saheeh Muslim, Vol.3 Hadith No. 99]
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:36:36 +0000

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